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TM 11-5895-878-14&P
Type measurement
Scale range
miscellaneous panel of a test bay.  For monitoring
Dc volts
Iv to 1,000v
purposes, either of these two inputs may be patched via
Ac volts
Iv to 750v (50 Hz to 20 KHz)
interbay trunk jacks to the MON (Monitor) jacks in the
Dc current
100 to 1,000ma
VF  circuit  patch  panels  without  degradation  or
Ac current
100 to 1,000ma (50 Hz to 5 KHz)
interruption of circuit operation.
Dc resistance  0 ohm to 10 Meg ohm
f. Oscilloscopes. The oscilloscopes provide dual
c. Telegraph Carrier TestSetKS-19935.
visual displays of electrical signals and parameters.
model of the KS-19935 consists of Control Unit L5 and
Plug-in units provide wide ranges of measurement
Electronics S Unit L1. The test set measures the level
and frequency (steady-state) of the tones used in
g. Video Waveform Monitor 1485R (fig. 1-3). The
telegraph carrier and low speed data systems.
Tektronix  1485R  Video  Waveform  Monitor  is  a
(1) AC level Meter.  The Test Set allows
specialized oscilloscope with triggering and vertical
selection and level measurement of any individual
characteristics designed for accurate measurement of
channel of a standard multiplex carrier system where a
the composite video signal.  The monitors' vertical
normal signal level of 0, - 10, - 17, or -26dBm (single-
amplifiers have very carefully controlled responses
width) or +3, -7, -14, or -23dBm (double-width) exists
necessary for video system signal fidelity.
per channel. Channel separation of 40dB is provided,
waveform  monitor,  monitors  525/60  and  625/50
and tone levels may be measured with an overall
accuracy of 1 dB.
The level measurement is
h. Electronic Counter HP-5245L.
The counter
presented on a dB meter as the deviation in level, of the
provides a digital readout of the frequency of the signal
channel under observation, from the selected normal
being measured. The frequency range is from dc to 50
level stated above (-17, -26, etc.).
(2) Frequency Meter.  The Mark or Space
i. Data Transmission Test Set 601 (fig. 1-5). The
frequency error of the selected carrier channel (when in
Frederick  Electronics  Corp.
Model  601  Data
a steady Marking or Spacing condition) is measured and
Transmission Test Set is designed specifically for
indicated in Hz deviation on a front-panel meter.
testing circuits utilizing Bell Data Transmission Sets by
Overall accuracy of the frequency measurement is
means of error counting techniques.  The Model 601
within .0.5 cps.
consists of the following modules: (1) A Pattern
(3) Universal Demodulator. At the same time
Generator which is the source of test signals for
that the level of the selected carrier channel is being
comparison with received signals from the system under
measured,  the  tone  signals  (AM  or  FM)  are
test; (2) A Synchronizer which establishes and maintains
demodulated and are available to drive a telegraph
bit and pattern sychronization, recognizes pattern errors,
output circuit for monitor TTY machine printout or as a
and develops error pulses for storage and subsequent
test point to provide an indication of distortion. Thus,
readout; (3) An Error Counter which counts the number
troubles in a carrier system can be quickly and easily
of errors in the incoming data and registers the total
localized to sending or receiving terminal equipment.
count on a front panel mechanical counter. The Error
The output signals are standard electronic hub (+60/-
Counter includes a visual and aural alarm system which
30v) drive; as an option, neutral output loop keying can
warns the operator whenever the error rate exceeds the
be provided for use in the neutral TLT testboard.
storage capacity; (4) A Power Supply which provides all
operating voltages for the Model 601; (5) A second
Generally, distortion measurements
Pattern Generator which is the source of test signals for
made at the demodulator output will
transmission to the system under test.  Two Pattern
be higher, by a few percent, than the
Generator modules are incorporated into the Model 601
true measurements made on the
so that a single unit can be used to perform error rate
circuit under observation.
tests on data subsets connected back-to-back. For this
method of testing, one Pattern Generator transmits the
d. Transmission Measuring Test Set, HP-3550AR.
test pattern to the system and the other Pattern
The Hewlett-Packard model 3550AR is used to measure
Generator  provides  a  synchronized  pattern  for
transmission line and system characteristics such as
comparison with the pattern at the output of the system.
attenuation, frequency response, or gain. It contains a
wide range oscillator, a voltmeter, and a patch panel to
j. Signal Distortion Analyzer Group ANIGGM-
match both the oscillator and the voltmeter to 135-, 600-
1S(V). This set provides a capability for measuring
, and 900-ohm lines.
signals in DC teleprinter/data loops and for transmitting
digital test messages over these loops.  The Digital
e. Dual Speaker Panel.
Speaker panels are
Distortion  Analyzer  Set  includes  three  major
mounted in the bottom of various patch bays in the P&T.
components, that is, a signal generator, a signal
These panels are used for oral monitoring of VF circuits
distortion analyzer and an oscilloscope.
carrying voice signals for the purpose of determining
continuity and/or the quality of the speech traffic. The
(1) Signal  Generator  SG-860/GGM-15(V).
panel includes two amplifier/speaker combinations. This
This unit generates data and telegraph signal outputs
allows two independent inputs and outputs. Both inputs
with controlled distortion at speeds up to 9600 baud.
are wired to jacks in TM 11-5895-878-14&P the
Various message options are available for Baudot or
ASCII codes

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