TM 11-5895-555-24
6-2. Troubleshooting Chart
6-1. Scope of Direct Support Maintenance
The following chart lists the control indicator
a. This chapter contains instructions covering
troubles by symtoms, suggest probable causes of
direct support maintenance for Control Indicator
each tremble, and suggests a logical procedure
C-8157/ARC and the MT-3802/ARC. The Con-
for isolating each trouble. The trouble symtoms
trol Indicator must be removed from the aircraft
are grouped into distinct classes of troubles such
if it fails during organizational maintenance, or
as retransmission, CIPHER, and ZEROIZE.
at anytime it proves to be faulty.
6-3. Tools and Test Equipment Required
b. When the control indicator has been re-
a. Tools. Tool Kit TK-105/G.
moved for bench testing, and the exact functional
failure is known (as indicated prior to removal),
b. Test Equipment.
use a multimeter, the schematic diagram (fig.
(1) Multimeter Electronic ME-26/U
(2) Multimeter TS-352/U
to isolate the fault. Refer to figure 6-1 for parts
All continuity checks are made with
c. With an ohmeter perform procedures in
POWER ON switch CB-1 in the ON
(up) position and power disconnected.
6-4. Troubleshooting Chart, Direct Support Maintenance
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