TM 11-5895-1123-34
In the next step it is extremely important
The following paragraphs contain those disassembly
to note the position of the pin on the
procedures necessary for troubleshooting and repairing
bottom of A3 that is protruding through
the -48 vdc power supply and 20-Hz ringing supply
an off-white bead at its base to ensure
the replacement A3 module is inserted
back in the same way.
Removal and Replacement of -48 Vdc Power
Supply Module A1
d. Pull straight down on the defective A3
a. Remove the four nuts and washers on the
ensuring not to change its position and note the relative
bottom of the power supply chassis which hold A1 to the
position of the pin that is protruding through an off-white
bead at its base.
Tag and unsolder the four wires connected
e. On the replacement A3 module, observe
to Al OUT -, +, and IN 1 and 2.
the position of the pin protruding through the off-white
c. Lift the power supply chassis off A1
bead at its base and be sure to align it in the same
d. Set the power supply chassis on the
position that it was in on the A3 module that was
replacement Al module.
e. Prepare the wires for soldering, and using
Set the replacement A3 module in place on
good soldering practices, solder the four wires back to Al
the power supply chassis and secure it in place with the
OUT, -, + and IN 1 and 2.
four mounting washers and nuts.
Remount the four washers and nuts on the
g. Prepare the wires for soldering and, using
mounting bolts protruding through the bottom of the
good soldering practices, solder the wires back to their
power supply chassis and tighten them to secure Al.
appropriate pins on the bottom of A3.
h. Slide the plastic insulating sleeve back over
Removal and Replacement of -48 Vdc Power
the solder connections.
Supply Module A2
Replace the tie-wraps that were removed
a. Tag and unsolder the two wires connected
from the wires going into A3.
to A2 + and dc terminals on the bottom of power supply
4-10. Removal and Replacement of --48 Vdc Power
b. Remove the four screws and washers from
Supply CR1
the bottom of the power supply chassis which hold A2 in
place and remove the defective A2.
Unsolder the two leads connected to the top
c. Hold the replacement A2 module in place
of CRI.
and secure it to the power supply chassis with the four
b. Remove the nut, two washers, and
washers and mounting screws.
insulating disk from the bottom of CR1 which holds it to
d. Prepare the two wires for soldering and
the power supply frame.
using good soldering practices solder them to A2 + and
c. Remove CR1 from the power supply
dc terminals.
chassis and remove the nylon insulating washer,
insulating disk, and the cathode washer from the
Removal and Replacement of -48 Vdc Power
mounting stud.
Supply Module A3
d. Assemble the cathode washer, insulating
disk, and nylon washer (in that order) on the mounting
a. Cut the tie-wraps holding the wires going
stud of the replacement CR1 and insert it back into the
into A3 together and slide the plastic insulating sleeves
hole in the power supply chassis.
back along the wires to expose the solder connections
e. On the CR1 mounting and protruding
on the pin contacts of A3.
through the bottom of the power supply chassis,
b. Tag and unsolder the wires from the bottom
assemble the insulating disk, two washers and nut, and
of A3.
secure CR1 to the power supply chassis.
Prepare the two leads for soldering and
using good soldering practices, solder them back to
Do not remove A3 in the next step.
4-11. Removal and Replacement of -48 Vdc Power
c. Hold the defective A3 in place and remove
Supply Multipin Connectors
the four nuts and washers which hold A3 to the power
a. The procedure outlined in paragraph 3-6b
above should be followed, except in this case the
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