TM 11-5895-1123-34
Circuit breaker CB1 controls the 115 vac line voltage to
Functional Description, TTY Loop Monitor
the -48 vdc generator No. 1 and circuit breaker CB2
controls the 115 vac line voltage for -48 vdc generator
No. 2. The voltage and current of the power supplies
The TTY loop monitor assembly, located in rack 7,
can be monitored by the 48 vdc monitor meters M1 and
monitors the high level TTY loop currents and low level
M2 located on the front panel of the control monitor
TTY circuit voltages. The assembly contains two
assembly. If a malfunction develops with the online
monitoring meters, loop current and low level TTY
power supply, the associated faulty indicator will light, the
voltage, and associated selector switches permitting the
audible alarm
will sound, and the load will be
operator to observe the signal characteristics on all TTY
automatically transfered to the standby power supply.
circuits processed within the CSS equipment.
c. The 20-Hz generators are both online simulta
Functional Description, Control Monitor -
neously, as indicated by their ON LINE indicators being
48V/20 Hz Assembly
If a malfunction should occur in one of the
a. The purpose of the Control Monitor -48V/20 Hz
generators, the fault indicator associated with that
assembly is for the control and monitoring of the two -48
generator will light the audible alarm will sound. The
volt power supplies and the two 20-Hz generators. Both
defective generator can be put offline by placing its
power supplies and 20-Hz generators are online
power switch in the OFF position.
b. The 115 vac line voltage for the power supplies
is coupled through the control monitor power sup plies.
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