TM 11-5895-1123-34
g. Upon receipt of the data at the input channels,
voice, or TTY signals which are then sent out to the
the multiplexer combines all the data on the input
channels into one stream which is called the mission bit
Functional Description, Voltage Regulator
h. This bit stream is routed through the data patch
Monitor Panel
panel to the KG-81 where it is encrypted.
The voltage regulator monitor panel at the bottom of
Encryption of the mission bit stream causes the terminal
rack 5 serves to monitor the output of the voltage
to appear to be operating at maximum traffic density at
regulator mounted behind the data patch panel at
all times, so that any change in the level of message
location A8 in rack 6. The regulated voltage is nomi nally
traffic cannot be detected.
115V vac. If the regulated voltage should fall outside
i. After being encrypted, the mission bit stream is
the limits set by the two red marker needles on the VR
patched through the Data Patch Panel to the online
monitor (meter-relay), contacts within the VR monitor
modem. In the modem, the pulse coded modulation
will close, illuminating the yellow VR fault lamp. The
(PCM) mission bit stream is applied to a 70-MHz IF
lower and upper voltage limits should normally be set to
carrier in the form of either biphase or quadraphase,
110 and 120 volts, respectively. The fault reset switch is
phase-shift keying (BPSK or QPSK).
used to clear a fault indication by the VR fault lamp after
j. In the coded mode of operation, the mission bit
the regulated voltage has been restored to a value
stream passes from the modem to the KY-801A/ GSC
within the preset limits. Momentary actuation of the
encoder-decoder unit by way of dedicated cabling. The
switch removes 24 vdc from the latching coils in the
coded mission bit stream then reenters the modem
meter-relay unit, allowing the contact to return to the
where it is PSK modulated onto the 70-MHz carrier.
open condition, which in turn removes power from the
k. Coding serves the purpose of significantly re
fault lamp A receptacle wired to the regulated 115 vac is
ducing the received energy-per-bit to noise ratio, Eb/ No,
pro vided on the VR monitor panel for the purpose of
required to achieve a given bit error rate (BER). In the
supplying power to the HP 436A power meter.
coded mode, a BER of 10-5 can be achieved with 5 dB
This power meter is part of the shelter test equipment.
less signal strength than that needed for the uncoded
mode. This improvement is accomplished by the
coder's ability to detect and correct errors arising from
noise in the received signal.
l. When receiving a BPSK or QPSK modulated,
70-MHz IF signal from the RSS, the opposites of the
processes described above are performed in reverse
order and direction through the CSS to result in digital,
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