![]() TM 11-5895-1012-10
(c) Function selector to Test L&D.
(d) Send selector to E&M line (M = B&G).
(2) Switch the TWD-L, LINE (E) selector to the
(e) Send PPS selector to 10.
ON HOOK position. The circuit termination panel
(f) Function selector to Send Off Hook for
should ring.
calibrating and Send & Rec for sending.
(3) Switch the MISC PATCH lead from the REC
(5) At the receiving station, place the signal test
to the XMIT line and terminate the REC line with a
set controls as follows:
termination plug. Send a ring out from the circuit
(a) Meter Circuit to % Break Direct.
termination panel. The LINE (E) lamp should light.
(b) Receive selector to G&O(E).
(c) Function selector to CAL MTR for
calibrating and Send & Rec for measuring.
(6) The receiving station will calibrate the %
a. Purpose. This test will measure maximum net
break meter for 0% with the transmitting station in
loss variation between stations or within a station and
the off hook condition (Function selector to OFF
determine circuit compliance with the standard
operating requirement.
(7) If SF signaling is being tested, the trans-
b. Test Equipment. The following test equipment is
mitting station will send continuous pulse streams as
required to perform this test:
(1) Transmission Test Set.
% Break
Pulse Rate
(2) Noise Measuring Test Set.
10 PPS
(3) Dual-Channel Recorder.
10 PPS
12 PPS
(4) Termination plugs (600 ohms) and patch cords
12 PPS
c. Station-to-Station Test. Contact distant station
(8) If DX signaling is being tested, the trans-
and arrange for one station to act as transmitter and
mitting station will send continuous pulse streams as
one as receiver. Perform the procedure below and them
reverse roles and repeat the procedure.
% Break
Pulse Rate
(1) Transmitting Circuit. If the local station is to
act as transmit&, prepare the transmitting circuit in
12 PPS
12 PPS
(a) Patch panel output impedance selector to
(9) The receiving station will measure the percent
600 ohms.
breaks of the received pulses.
d. Performance Standards. For SF signaling the
(c) Turn on voltmeter.
percentage breaks recorded at the receiving station
(2) Receiving Circuit. If the local station is to act
will be 57 10%, irrespective of the pulse rate used.
For DX signaling the
as receiver, prepare the receiving circuit shown in
breaks recorded at
the receiving station will be 58
the pulse rate used.
(a) Filter selector at Hi Pass.
(b) Input at 600 ohms.
a Purpose This test determines operational signal-
(c) Sensitivity selectors initially at 0 dbm.
ing capability.
(d) On the recorder, place the chart speed
b. Test Equipment. The following test equipment is
selector to one inch per minute and the range selector
required to perform this test:
to 1 volt.
(3) Procedure.
(1) Signal Test Set.
(2) Signal Unit.
(a) The transmitting station will calibrate the
(3) Circuit Termination Panel.
transmission test set for a 1000 Hz at - 10 dbm0 out-
(4) Terminating plug (600 ohms) and patch cords.
put signal.
c. Test Procedure. To test the receive line of a cir-
(b) Using only the servo pm drive corresponding
to the upper module, the receiving station will cali-
If a 4 wire circuit is to
brate the recorder to zero the servo pin in the center of
the chart.
transmit lines. If FM
on a separate pair, then connect the
(c) The receiving station will record the level of
lead from the MISC PATCH panel to the voice circuit
the 1000 Hz signal for a period of 15 minutes between
on the
of the primary patch panel.
0800Z and 1200Z hours and for a period of 15 minutes
signal test set as follows:
between 2000Z and 2400Z hours. During this time, the
(a) Send PPS selector to ON (10 PPS).
transmitting station will vary the output of the trans-
(b) TWD-L, LINE (E) selector to Off-Hook.
mission test set in 1 db steps, and the receiving station
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