![]() TM 11-5895-1012-10
5-5. Operator Quarterly Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services
5-6. Cleaning
clean the equipment in the technical control facility:
(1) Inspect exterior surfaces of the equipment for
a. Materials Required. The following materials are
dust, dirt, grease and fungus.
required for cleaning the equipment in the technical
(2) Remove the dust and loose dirt with a soft,
control facility:
clean cloth.
(1) Trichloroethane.
(3) Remove grease, fungus, and ground-in dirt
(2) Soft, lint-free cloth.
from metal parts with a cloth dampened (not wet) with
(3) Liquid detergent.
(4) Nylon bristle brush.
(4) Remove dust or dirt from plugs and jacks with
a soft brush.
The fumes of trichloroethane are toxic. Pro-
vide thorough ventilation whenever used. DC
Do not press on the METER FACE when
NOT use near an open flame. Trichloroethane
cleaning. Damage to the equipment may re-
is not flammable, but exposure of the fumes
to an open flame or hot metal surface con-
(5) Clean the front panel, meter face, and controls
verts them to a highly toxic phosgene gas. In-
of the equipment using a soft, clean cloth. If necessary,
halation of this gas could result in serious in-
dampen the cloth with water or mild detergent for
jury or death.
more effective cleaning.
b. Methods. Perform the following procedures to
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