![]() TM 11-5895-1012-10
Table 4-7. Sample cutsheet for 2-wire voice circuit (25 Hz signaling and echo suppressor control) - Continued
4-60. General
(4) Supervise the testing of all circuits that re-
There is a need for continuing improvement in trans-
quire conditioning to ensure that the proper transmis-
mission quality. Therefore, integration of new equip
sion parameters are maintained.
ment into the DCS is accomplished in some areas of
b. Special attention must be given to protection of
the world every week. Technical and operational com-
service to users that have control, error detection, and
patibility is always an important consideration.
alarm devices on their circuits. Full coordination must
4-61. technical Control Facility Respon-
be made prior to any cut-over or testing to maintain
operations without damage to communications equip
a. The Technical Control Facility chief will:
c. Where service must be interrupted for cut-over of
(1) Supervise an evaluation test of the equipment
new equipment, the established procedures must be
to be cutover before it is placed on-line for DCS traf-
followed. Cut-over plans will be submitted to the ap-
fic. This will include as a minimum, but not be limited
propriate DOCC in sufficient time to review and coor-
to, the following
dinate the plan.
(a) All quality control tests that are normally
performed on the subject item of equipment.
(6) Back-to-back and looped tests will `be per-
Acceptability of new systems and subsystems usually
formed as appropriate.
require the services of test and acceptance (T&A)
(c) Preparation of quality control records for the
teams. In some cases, one terminal and sometimes
new equipment to include posting of all test informa-
both, may terminate in a facility where Technical Con-
tion. A copy of the initial tests will be provided the ap-
trol Facility personnel are not assigned, but where the
propriate DCA area or region.
facility is aligned as a system or subsystem reporting
(2) Coordinate with appropriate control offices
responsibility of a Technical Control Facility. In all
and other DCS Stations, as required, the addition of
cases it is imperative that personnel of that Technical
the new equipment into the system.
Control Facility be members of the T&A teams accept
(3) Supervise the cut-over of all circuits to the new
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