![]() TM 11-5895-1012-10
Table 4-6. Noise Power Conversion - Continued
4-50. Performance Monitoring
does not constitute a trend. If, after several measure-
ments are taken, further changes are indicated, a de-
The DCS Performance Monitoring Program encom-
passes monitoring the operation of the DCS transmis-
grading trend is evident and corrective action should
sion links using critical operating parameters as per-
formance indicators, and the analysis of the informa-
b. Trend analysis is not limited to quality control
tion received to develop performance trends. Each
measurements. Trends can be detected from the
DCS Technical Control Facility will participate in this
number of outages over a given period of time. The
program in accordance with established guidelines and
minimum number of outages per circuit, of course, is
not definable. The length of outage should not be con-
sidered in this analysis.
c. Trend analysis can be expanded to determine
Analysis of quality control data will be performed by
whether large number of outages are occurriug in the
the Technical Control Facility on as near a real-time
same time frame. This analysis should be performed if
basis as possible to identify degrading trends.
large numbers of outages cannot be reduced after re-
a. In-service quality control tests are the best tools
peated attempts to locate and correct the deficiency.
to identify degradation because measurements can be
d. To simplify the analysis effort, data may be
taken and recorded without interrupting the user.
transposed from worksheets to a line or bar graph or
Measurements of each quality control test are com-
some other management tool, such as a computer run-
pared with the measurements taken in the past. If a
off to give the history and present quality of a given
definite change is noted, but the circuit is still provid-
circuit or channel at a glance. Comparison with all
ing satisfactory user service, it should be flagged as a
other channels of a particular group will indicate the
special interest circuit. One substandard measurement
general quality of the group.
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