![]() TM 11-5895-1012-10
nical Control Facilities should determine distortion
formance requirements when the isochronous distor-
thresholds for the particular equipment and circuits
tion of the input data is less than or equal to 10
with their station and forward recommendations to
percent measured at the data signaling rate of the
appropriate DCA field activities for concurrence, with
modem. The isochronous distortion of the output data
an information copy to appropriate Operation and
signal when measured at the operating data signaling
Maintenance activities. When distortion thresholds
rate shall be less than four percent.
are exceeded, the technical controller will initiate cor-
j. Digital Regenerative Repeaters.
rective action to remove the equipment from service.
(1) Synchronous repeater input will accept the fol-
For example, when the maximum output distortion al-
lowing distortion limits and provide an output signal
lowed on a transmitter-distributor (out-of-service) is 1
with not more than three percent distortion, of which
percent, corrective action will be initiated when the
not more than one-third (one percent) is bias:
output distortion exceeds 4 percent. Corrective action
(a) Total peak distortion: 49 percent.
may include changing transmitter-distributors, repair-
(b) Bias distortion: 49 percent.
ing equipment on line, or using a spare circuit.
(C) Cyclic distortion: 49 percent.
b. Equipment Capability. If the design capability of
(d) Fortuitous distortion: 49 percent.
equipment listed in subsequent paragraphs permits
(2) Start-stop repeater input will accept the
operation at maximum distortion limits lower than
following distortion limits and provide an output
those specified, the maximum limits specified in the
signal with not more than three percent distortion, or
technical manual or manufacturer handbook will
which not more than one-third (one percent) is bias:
(a) Total peak distortion: 49 percent.
c. VFCT. With the transmit and receive terminals
(b) Bias distortion: 49 percent.
connected back-to-back, sending and receiving loops
(c) Cyclic distortion: 24.5 percent.
properly terminated, and all transmit tones at proper
(d) Fortuitous distortion: 24.5 percent.
levels, random undistorted signals will be keyed simul-
k. Punched Card Readers. Punched card readers
taneously into each sending loop at the maximum
will produce not more than one percent distortion of
modulation rate of the terminal design. The maximum
the signal element for electronic devices and 3.5
distortion measured in the receiving loops will not
percent distortion for electromechanical devices, as
exceed 4 percent total peak telegraph distortion at
measured in relation to the theoretically correct unit
modulation rates up to and including 75 baud.
interval duration.
d. Transmitting Equipment Output Distortion. The
l. Card Punch. The card punch will operate without
output distortion (all types) of electromechanical, elec-
error if the input distortion is less than the following:
tronic, or composite transmitting devices (either
(1) Total peak distortion: 49 percent.
sequential or coincidental selection) will not exceed.
(2) Bias distortion: 49 percent.
one percent.
(3) End distortion: 49 percent.
e. Electromechanical Receiving Devices. Electrome-
(4) Cyclic distortion: 24.5 percent.
chanical receiving devices shall be capable of tolerat-
m. Magnetic Tape Readers. Total distortion attrib-
ing signal distortion as follows:
utable to the magnetic tape reader will not exceed one
(1) Total peak distortion:45 percent.
percent at the output of the intermediate equipment.
(2) Bias distortion: 45 percent.
n. Magnetic Tape Recorders. Magnetic tape re-
(3) End distortion: 45 percent.
corders will operate without error if the input distor-
(4) Cyclic distortion 22.5 percent.
tion is less than the following:
f. Electronic-Input Receiving Devices. Receiving de
(1) Total peak distortion: 49 percent.
vices utilizing electronic input circuitry shall be
(2) Bias distortion: 49 percent.
capable of tolerating signal distortion as follows:
(3) End distortion: 49 percent.
(1) Total peak distortion: 49 percent.
(4) Cyclic distortion: 24.5 percent.
(2) Bias distortion: 49 percent.
o. Paper Tape Readers.
(3) End distortion: 49 percent.
(1) Electromechanical Equipment. The total out-
(4) Cyclic distortion: 24.5 percent.
put distortion will not exceed one percent for the
g. Electromechanical Polar Relays. Total distortion
standard 5-unit code character interval, and 3.5 per-
introduced into the transmission facilities, attributa-
cent for the standard 8-unit code character (ASCII).
ble to the relay, shall be less than two percent.
(2) Equipment Incorporating Electronic Output
h. Electronic Polar Relays. Total distortion intro
duced into transmission facilities, attributable to the
one percent.
relay, shall be less than one percent.
p. Paper Tape Punches. Electromechanical paper
i. Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK) Modems.
tape punches incorporating electronic serial input cir
DPSK modems &all operate in accordance with per
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