![]() TM 11-5895-1012-10
4-39. General
parameters, unless specifically guaranteed by con-
tract, are provided by the carrier on a "will-strive, non-
This section contains the DCS Technical Schedules,
guaranteed" basis; however, a circuit cannot be re-
which provide circuit performance parameters. Chap-
moved from service because of failure to meet these
ter 6 contains the associated test descriptions for test
other parameters unless the user reports unsatisfac-
measurements of DCS facilities, systems, or circuits.
tory service and a nonguaranteed parameter is causing
In addition this section provides guidance for testing
the unsatisfactory service.
DCS circuits to determine compliance with DCS Tech-
c. Leased circuits terminating in a military Techni-
nical Schedule criteria and to determine circuit signal-
cal Control Facility or Patch and Test. Facility at both
ing performance.
ends will be tested for the parameters in table 4-2 for
Technical Schedules
the type of service specified in the TSO. The common
carrier will meet guaranteed parameters and will be
The DCS Technical Schedules are itemized listings of
requested to meet all other parameters. If the common
all the common services and circuit parameters provid-
carrier declines to meet these additional parameters
ed by the DCS. The DCS Technical Schedules apply to
and the user states that the circuit provides acceptable
all government-owned circuits within the DCS with
service, the CCO will accept the circuit and identify all
the exception of voice circuits provided over high fre-
out-of-tolerance parameters in the in-effect report.
quency radio. Table 4-1 describes the type of service
d. Leased circuits terminating in a military TCF or
provided by each circuit performance code. Tables 4-2
PTF at one end and a commercial test facility at the
and 4-3 are a list of performance parameters required
other end will meet the parameters guaranteed by tar-
by each parameter code. Table 4-4 is a list of leased
iff or contract, as applicable. The TCF or PTF will re-
service performance parameters which common car-
quest the carrier to test for all other parameters in
riers generally provide. These tables are samples and
table 4-2 for the type of service specified in the T SO.
current procedural documents should be checked for
The CCO will identify in the ineffect report those pa-
current requirements.
rameters the carrier declines to test.
a Government-owned circuits are required to meet
e. Commercial circuit parameters and identifiers
each parameter for the type of service specified in the
vary throughout the world and it is impractical to at
TSO. Government-owned circuits unable to meet the
tempt to list all of them in this manual. Table 4-3 con-
DCS parameters, even with optimum transmission ad-
tains parameters and identifiers generally recognized
justment, will meet the requirements specified by the
by the U.S. common carriers for conditioned circuits.
DCA areas will compile a listing of commercial circuit
b. Leased circuits will meet all parameters guaran-
parameters and identifiers used within their area of re-
contract, as applicable. U.S. common
tly guarantee frequency response and
envelope delay distortion parameters only. All other
Table 4-1. DCS Technical Schedules
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