![]() TM 11-5895-1012-10
ports. The Operations Center coordinates the tests,
der to isolate the fault(s) to specific areas and/or equip-
collects and analyzes the results, and directs remedial
actions as necessary.
(3) Unless there are definite indications of a major
abnormality the Operations Center normally does not
take immediate action to inquire about circuit condi-
tivate the supervisory alarms, and consist
tions, inasmuch as continuous inquiries by the Center
noise bursts in the circuit data error rates,
impedes the troubleshooting and fault correction ac-
channel levels. Usually, these problems are brought to
tions of the station Technical Controller and mainte-
the attention of the Technical Controller by the user.
nance personnel. The Operational Center is responsible,
The Technical Controller performs monitoring and
however, for investigating outages which have not
testing routinely, as circumstances permit. However,
been cleared after a reasonable period of time, or if no
when notified of degrading circuit conditions by the
explanation has been made by the remote stations or
user, other Technical Controllers, or maintenance per-
the cognizant master station, and for rendering assis-
sonnel, monitoring and testing of the degraded circuit
tance in restoring service.
e. Maintenance Personnel. After faults have been
located and identified, maintenance personnel are re-
sponsible for effecting necessary repairs and mainte-
in the Technical Control areas, provide a means of se-
nance in accordance with appropriate technical man-
quential access to circuits and groups between most of
uals pertinent to the particular item of faulty equip
the major equipment in the station.
b. Service Restoration. The Technical
must use every means at his disposal to
4-26. F u n c t i o n a l A r e a s
rupted service as expeditiously as possible. These
a. For purposes of fault isolation, a Technical Con-
means, when available, should be used in the following
trol Facility will fall into one of the following three
order of priority:
functional areas:
(1) If a spare channel is available, the Technical
(1) A Technical Control Facility which provides
Controller should patch the user circuit or group into a
the user with access to the Defense Communications
spare, while isolating and correcting the defective
System; i.e., the serving TCF.
(2) A TCF which has voice frequency channel
(2) If a fault is identified within an item of equip
ment for which a standby or spare is available, the sub
breakout, but does not provide the user a direct access
to the DCS; i.e., a receive channel of one group is cross-
stitute equipment should be used to restore disrupted
connected to the send channel of another group..
service while the defective equipment is being re-
(3) A TCF in which the signals appear at a group
(3) During prolonged, or projected extended out-
or supergroup level, i.e., no vf channel breakout.
b. It is possible that a Technical Control Facility
ages, the Technical Controller should request alternate
routing instructions. Rerouting or pre-empting is ob-
could be involved in more than one functional area at
tained from a list in the station SOP.
one time, depending upon the circumstances at that
(4) As a last resort, the Technical Controller
particular time and station configuration.
should pre-empt lower priority circuits in order to re-
store service for high priority users. Every circuit, in-
cluding switchboard trunks as well as allocated cir-
a. Fault Notification. Technical Controllers are
cuits, is assigned a priority of restoration which must
alerted to actual, or impending circuit outages by
be adhered to in channel restoration. Establishment of
means of alarm indicator displays, by notification
these priorities is performed on a worldwide basis by
from the user, of circuit deterioration or failure by a
the Defense Communications Agency.
distant Technical Controller, and as the result of test
C. Records and Reports. The Technical Controller
ing and monitoring.
who first determines that a fault exists or to whom a
(1) The supervisory alarm subsystems provide an
fault is reported by a user, is responsible for coordinat-
alarm when a failure occurs in various equipment and
ing the fault-isolation activities with distant station
systems at the DCS Station, such as single frequency
Technical Controllers, and is responsible for appro-
signaling equipment, ringers, multiplex systems, fuse
priate log entries and reports. When a fault has been
panels, or the dc power system. When alerted to an ab-
isolated, an explanation of the nature of the trouble
normal condition by an alarm, the Technical Control-
must be entered in the reporting station log, and the
ler and maintenance personnel must perform syste-
distant Technical Controller must be notified so that
matic step-by-step monitoring, or testing of the system
the entries for both stations coincide. All circuit out
segments into, through, and out of the station, in or
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