![]() TM 11-5895-1012-10
panels. On the count-of-three, all loose plugs are set
(2) Place the plugs on the other end of the patch
into the jacks simultaneously.
cords loosely into the channel 5 REC EQU and TRANS
(4) On the equal level patch panel, terminate the
EQU jacks.
channel TRANS LINE with a 600-ohm termination
(3) Establish voice contact between the Technical
plug set into the TRANS LINE jack.
Controllers at Station A and Station B.
(4) One Technical Controller will take charge and
4-21. Patching Operations at Dc Patching
on a prearranged signal, usually the count-of-three, all
loose plugs are set into the jacks simultaneously.
a. General. The jackfields in the Dc patch bays are
(5) The transmit aide of the patched off channel
employed to gain access to Dc circuits for monitoring
(in this case channel 5) is terminated with a 600-ohm
purposes and to perform circuit rerouting, test
termination plug set into the TRANS LINE jack.
measurements and restoration of service by equipment
c. Transfer of an Active (Circuit to a Spare Cable
substitution. Representative patching operations are
Pair (fig. 4-2). The situation requires that for test or
given in b, c, and d below. A cut-key is provided to
maintenance purposes, the active circuit or channel 5
interrupt a telegraph channel for tactical considera-
be transferred to the tail segment cable pair for spare
tions, or for the correction of an operational fault
channel 2. This patch is made at the primary patch
condition at either the subscriber station locations. In
panel (fig. 2-15) at Station A and the Patch and Test
the event a condition exists which caused the teletype-
Facility patch panel at the other end of the cable. The
writer equipment at the locations to run open,
patching operations are the same at both ends of the
the Technical Controller activates the appropriate cut-
cable. Only the patching operation at the TCF is cov-
keys to isolate the subscriber loops affected and ap-
ered below.
plies hold battery to the subscriber teletypewriter
(1) Place two patch cord plugs loosely into the
machines. Upon correction of the condition, the cut-
channel 2 REC LINE and TRANS LINE jacks.
keys are restored to normal position. When a cut-key is
(2) Place the plugs on the other end of the patch
activated, the following actions occur: the telegraph
cords loosely into the channel 1 REC EQU and TRANS
circuit is interrupted, hold battery is applied to the
EQU jacks respectively.
channel terminating unit and the associated cut lamp
(3) Establish voice contact between the TCF and
indicator is activated. This cut-key is also employed for
the PTF.
scheduled interruptions of circuits such as those en-
(4) The Technical Controller will take charge and
countered with high frequency radio systems.
on a prearranged signal, usually the count-of-three, all
b. Transfer of a Dc Circuit to a Spare VFCT Channel
loose plugs are set into the jacks simultaneously.
d. Substitution of Line Conditioning Equipment
tenance purposes, a teletypewriter circuit is to be
transferred from VFCT channel 1 to a spare or lower
tenance purposes, the spare line conditioning equip=
priority channel 2. The patching operation is
ment (channel 2) be substituted for the active line con-
ditioning equipment (channel 5). Before the patch is
accomplished at the equal level dc patch panel at both
the local and distant station. Coordination is required
made, check the spare channel line conditioning equip
ment to make sure it is configured the same as the
so that the patch is made simultaneously at both ends
active channel. The patching is accomplished at the
of the communications path to preclude loss of large
primary and equal level patch panels (fig. 2-15) at Sta-
blocks of record traffic.
tion A. Since the patch panels are normally physically
(1) Place two patch cord plugs loosely into the
separated, two Technical Controllers are needed to
channel 2 REC LINE and TRANS LINE jacks.
perform the operation with minimum interference to
(2) Place the plugs on the other end of the patch
the users. The procedure described below is the same
cord loosely into channel 1 REC EQU and TRANS
at both patch panels.
EQU jacks respectively.
(1) At the equal level patch panel, place two patch
(3) Establish voice contact with the distant sta-
cord plugs loosely into channel 5 REC LINE and
tion. One Technical Controller will take charge and on
TRANS LINE jacks. Place the plugs on the other end
a prearranged signal, usually the count-of-three, all
of the patch cords loosely into the channel 2 REC EQU
loose plugs are set into the jacks simultaneously (at
and TRANS EQU jacks respectively.
both ends of the circuit).
(2) At the primary patch panel, place two patch
c. Transfer of a Dc Circuit to a Spare Digital Line
cord plugs loosely into the channel 2 REC EQU and
Interface Unit (DLIU) (fig. 4-5). The situation requires
TRANS EQU jacks. Place the plugs on the other end of
that for test or maintenance purposes, a teletypewriter
the patch cords loosely into the channel 5 REC LINE
circuit is to be transferred from the DLIU associated
and TRANS LINE jacks respectively.
with channel 1, the normal channel, to the spare chan-
(3) Establish voice contact between the two patch
nel 2 DLIU. Before the transfer can be made the spare
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