![]() TM 11-5895-1012-10
to a minimum, are known in advance and every effort
e. Interruption of User Service. For service inte
must be made to provide continuing service during the
ruption, other than a complete DCS Station, prior
time a facility is out of service. When it is absolutely
ordination and approval is not required on
necessary to remove communications equipment, facil-
releases of single circuits or single channel
ities, or an entire DCS Station from service, the plan-
concurrence has been obtained from
ning, notification, and restoral of service must be
terminals. However, if the interrup
thorough and complete.
magnitude, but less than the comple
a. Planning. Service interruption will normally be
nation and approval must be accomp
scheduled when minimum communications impact
tained in accordance with existing regula
will occur and will provide, where possible, for unin-
directives. Where the complete DCS Stat
terrupted service to users. Planned actions will be
volved coordination and approval is
time-phased to allow control to be maintained at all
ance with existing regulations and directives even
time, to ensure that communications capabilities will
though user concurrence has been obtained.
not be exceeded and to ensure the communications are
4-11. Emergency Interruption of Service
successfully completed. Planning will include recovery
should an emergency arise which would prevent the
completion of planned actions. In addition, the plan-
ning will consider leasing of additional circuits from
commercial carriers, as necessary, to provide uninter-
prior coordination. However, as soon as possible, the
rupted service.
circumstances involved will be reported to the various
b. Notification. It is of utmost importance that all
elements in accordance with existing regulations and
users of the DCS be informed of any action that will or
may tend to degrade their service.
c. Supervision. Control and implementation of a
Hazardous Conditions
scheduled service interruption rests with the TCF.
Supervising DOCC elements will ensure that depend-
able communications are maintained to the element
cation is waived for complete station interruption of
implementing the outage.
short duration to correct hazardous conditions provid-
d. No User Service Interruption.
ing all the following conditions are satisfied:
(1) When there will be no interruption of user
a The station is in a hazardous condition and the
service and sufficient spare or backup equipment is
condition has been reported in accordance with exist-
available during the affected period, no additional re-
ing regulations and directives.
b. All necessary equipment and the technical ex
sponsibilities, other than normal control practices, are
tise is available on-site to correct the hazardous co
(2) When there will be no interruption of user
service and sufficient spare or backup equipment is
c. User concurrence for the outage has been ob-
not available during the affected period, the DCS sta-
d. The interruption is scheduled for non-busy hours.
tion will notify the appropriate DOCC and operation
and maintenance element of this hazardous condition.
e. Reroute or restoral actions will not be required
If necessary, the DOCC element may cancel or request
f. Appropriate DOCC elements have been contac
and advised that the above requirements have been
rescheduling of this type of interruption. Further, it
may be required that the users be notified of the exist-
met prior to the time of interruption occurs.
ing hazardous condition.
4-13. Introduction
All normal circuit rerouting requirements are deter-
Circuit rerouting is normally accomplished on a
mined by ACC or higher authority and are primarily
planned (scheduled) basis on orders from DCA or ACC.
based on satisfying customer demands or improving
communication services in a particular area of the sys-
equipments reliability, subscriber population density,
tern. In the latter case
party line or command net configurations, and system
ment is the result of
maintenance may be major system operating factors
operating and service
which generate circuit rerouting requirements. In ad-
taken from the daily technical control and mainte-
dition, system or equipment failures may necessitate
nance logs and reports which are submitted by all
emergency circuit rerouting.
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