![]() TM 11-5895-1012-10
4-1. System Management
designed as the station control center and is equipped
to permit effective station management. All operation-
al orders, circuit activation and deactivation func-
tions, system reporting, alternate routing procedures,
sions. Examples of its specific station operational
functions are:
formed by the Technical Control operators. Much of
(1) In the case of the Berlin TCF, to provide a
the content of this chapter is therefore addressed
relay service to Templehof (TPF) and be the central
specifically to the station Technical Controllers and is
access point to the Defense Communications System
intended to be used as a working guide in conjunction
for subscribers in the local area.
with station SOP's, records, and individual equipment
(2) In the case of Pirmasens, to provide wideband
manuals and handbooks. Since the circuit configura-
relay service to Zweibruken (ZBN), Langerkopf (LKF),
tion is subject to operational changes a detailed study
and Donnersberg (DON) as well as being the central
of the equipment description of those items on site
access point to the DCS.
should be made to ensure familiarity with the facilities
b. The mission of a TCF encompassed all of these
provided. Moat of the day-to-day Technical Control op-
actions necessary to maintain flexibility in traffic and
erations require a thorough understanding of the com-
circuit routing, reliability of through and terminating
circuits, and peak efficiency in transmission quality.
plete station facility and
the Technical Controller
This capability can be realized only by employing ap-
ing knowledge of the
proved management principles and by strict adherence
to proven standard operating procedures at all sta-
c. Overall system management direction resides
with the Defense Communications Agency (DCA) and
the Army Communications Command (ACC). Specific
4-3. Station Management Facilities and
(1) High Frequency Interface. The multiplexed
4-2. Station Management Approach.
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