![]() TM 11-5895-1012-10
370-1 power supplies are below the Hub repeater. Two
power supplies strapped for + and - 60 vdc out-
(3) Mux. Bay 5.06 and Power Equipment Bays
5.07 and 5.08. Bay 5.06 is a Collins MTX-201, VFCT.
(4) Orderwire Equipment Bay 5.09. The Dual-
Bay 5.07 is the -48 vdc power source bay. There are
Tone Multiple Frequency (DTMF) orderwire equip
two -48 power supplies at the bottom of the bay. Fuse
meat bay contains an SD-3751/FSC fuse panel, Re-
distribution panels along with a Lorain power hoard
monitor panel are above the power supplies. Bay 5.08
mote Link orderwire Unit TA-924/FSC, one line card
shelf, and two common equipment shelves. Duplex ac
houses the 60 vdc and 120 vdc power equipment
power outlets are in the front and rear bottom of the
along with a modified SB-1642 loop resistance panel.
A Hub repeater is also mounted in the bay. Two dc
bay. IDF blocks, inductors, and a component board are
voltmeter panels, three fuse panels and an alarm panel
in the rear of the bay.
are at the top of the bay. Four Northern Radio Model
tions required to keep all communication links at their
3-7. Function
peak operating condition, all personnel must be thor-
a. Pentagon Telecommunications Center (fig.
oughly familiar with the station capabilities and the
FO-10). The U.S. Army Communications Command
functions of all equipment in the station. In addition,
Telecommunications Center (PTC)
familiarization with circuit links of related technical
mmunications Systems (DCS) for
control is required.
e. The Pentagon technical control facility is the
main Army TCF serving the Washington D.C. area.
The facility provides many high priority circuits to
and from various local government users to locations
scattered throughout the free world and to the Krem-
lin. Users and connecting sites often change.
f. The patch and test facilities of the TCF provide
access to each circuit for monitoring, rerouting, and
testing. Access is provided to both the black (en-
crypted) and the red (clear) sides of the circuits.
b. Technical Control Facility (fig. FO-11). The
cal Control Facility (TCF) at the Penta-
3-8. Technical Characteristics
technical control over BED and BLACK-
a. VF Patching Facilities:
ITAL, and VIDEO circuits appearing at
Red VF Jack Appearances (2-wire). . . . . .264 ea
se are comprised of military-owned VFCT
Black VF Jack Appearances (2-wire) . . . .960 ea
s and leased DC and data circuits. The high
Nominal Test Tone Signal Leval . . . . . . -2 dbm
data circuits are in the 2400 to 50K BAUD
Nominal Circuit Impedance . . . . . . . .600 ohms
The low speed circuits are predominantly
Normal Send Signal Leval . . . . . . . . . . . +8 dbm
secure circuits. Test and maintenance is also provided
Normal Receive Signal Leval . . . . . . . . -13 dbm
on Government-owned lines and circuits.
b. DC Patching Facilities:
c. Patch and Test Facility. (fig. FO-12). The P & T
Red DC Jack Sets.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .912 ea
function includes the monitoring of circuits and equip.
Black DC Jack Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,296 ea
ment within a station, as well as the selection and
Nominal Signal Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 vdc
application of the station facilities and associated
C. Video Patching Facilities
equipment, as n
to keep the station's operating
Red Video Jack Appearances.. . . . . . . . .160 ea
and standby communications links and circuits at peak
Black Video Jack Appearances . . . . . . . . 100 ea
. The Technical Controller coordinates
Nominal Circuit Impedance . . . . . . . . .75 ohms
in communications services at the station,
d. AC Power Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
alternate routings, directs the correction of
208/120 vac, 3 phase, 60 HZ.
functions, restores service when outages occur,
e. DC Power Supplies
and coordinates link and station tests. The P & T Facil-
6 VDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ea: 2 Red, 2 Black
e station encompasses these areas which
24 VDC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ea: 2 Red, 2 Black
with jacks, and test instruments to pro-
48 VDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ea: 2 Red, 2 Black
vide access to the circuits for the purpose of perform-
3-9. Description of the TCF
monitor, patch and test operations.
To efficiently perform the technical control func-
The equipment is housed in two different rooms. All of
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