![]() TM 11-5895-1012-10
and dc Technical Control Facility areas to provide an
tions. When a trunk is put into use at one bay, the
efficient means for performing these operations. It is
corresponding in-use lamp will illuminate at all the
not possible in a general type technical manual, such
interbay panels where the trunk appears to indicate
as this, to list every specific piece of test equipment to
the trunk is in use.
nomenclature of manufacturers name that could be
2-38. Voice Frequency and DC Test Equip-
found on every TCF in the world. However, instead a
listing by genre is provided. This listing will help you
A major responsibility of Technical Control Facility
identify the specific items installed at any TCF and
personnel is that of monitoring and testing circuits
briefly describe its function.
through the TCF to determine circuit quality and to
a. Speaker Panels. Speaker panels are usually
determine operating conditions. Additionally, they are
mounted in the bottom of the voice frequency test
responsible for the rapid identification and isolation of
bays. These panels are used for aural monitoring of vf
faulty equipment in order to achieve optimum operat-
circuits carrying voice signals for the purpose of deter-
ing effectiveness. Accordingly, assorted test and moni-
mining continuity and/or the quality of the speech
tor equipment is located through the voice frequency
traffic. The panel usually includes two amplifier
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