![]() TM 11-5895-1012-10
multiplex equipment is adequate
equipment in use which have been designed to operate
at other levels and impedances. In stations where
rgroup, and Group Patching Con-
multiplex not conforming to DCS standard levels and
impedances exists or is programmed for installation, a
(1) The capability for patching among like and un-
local standard is established. The term standard when
used in this manual refers to that standard which is in
use, either the DCS standard of local standard of levels
and impedances.
of group or supergroup connectors is required.
(3) A stand&-level jackfield is provided. It in-
t which use the standard
cludes appearances of groups, supergroups, and base
but have different levels,
bands of all multiplex equipment operating at the
ncies can be made compat-
standard levels and impedance, group and supergroup
through the use of con-
connectors designed to operate at those levels and im-
certain types of multi-
pedances, and one end of each conditioning string.
use nonstandard fre-
c. Conditioning Chains or Strings. Conditioning
y allocation plans and therefore cannot be
equipment chains or strings are usually made up of the
ed at the group or supergroup level even with
following types of components. Not all components are
Appearances for such equipment may be
required for every string. Only those components
wideband jackfields for monitoring and
necessary to match the levels, impedances, and pilot
testing only.
frequencies of a particular type of nonstandard multi-
(2) DCS standard levels and impedances for
plex to the station standard is included in each string.
group, supergroup, and baseband have been
(1) Impedance matching equipment is required to
established. However, them are still types of multiplex
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