TM 11-5840-270-24-1
first. Pour gasoline on the cut cables and internal
3-5. Authority for Demolition
wiring and ignite it. Use a flamethrower to burn
Demolition of the equipment will be accomplished
spare parts or pour gasoline on the spares and ignite
o n l y upon order of the commander. Use the
destruction procedures outlined in paragraph 3-6 to
prevent further use of the equipment.
Be extremely careful with explosives and
3-6. Methods of Destruction
incendiary devices. Use these items only
Any or all of the methods of destruction given
when the need is urgent.
below may be used. The time available will
determine the order and methods of destruction.
demolition or to cause maximum damage, before
Also, the tactical situation will determine how the
burning, when time does not permit complete
destruction will be carried out. In most cases, it is
demolition b y other means. Power charges,
preferable to demolish completely the computer
fragmentation grenades, or incendiary grenades
rather than partially destroy all the components of
may be used. Incendiary grenades usually are most
the navigation set.
a. Smash. Smash the navigation set components;
e. Dispose. Bury or scatter destroyed parts or
use sledges, axes, hammers, crowbars, and any
throw them into nearby waterways. This is par-
other heavy tools available.
ticularly important if a number of parts have not
b. Cut. Cut the interconnecting cables and
been completely destroyed.
equipment internal cable harnesses; use axes,
3-7. Reporting Destruction
handaxes, machetes, and similar tools.
Report of equipment destruction will be made
c. Burn. Burn as much of the equipment as is
through command channels.
flammable; use gasoline, oil, flamethrowers, and
similar flammables. Burn the technical manuals
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