![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
with the backplane wiring assembly are repaired in
pliers and pull contact from connector.
accordance with existing depot and special maintenance
activity practices. The tools used for such repair are
included in the connector repair tool set listed in table 6-
Replacement contacts have slightly larger
barbs than the original contacts. The larger
6-67. Repair card receptacle connectors located on
barbs compensate for material removed
the backplane wiring assembly by replacing individual
from the insulator cavity during removal of
contacts as follows:
the original contact. The part number of
the replacement contact is 030-7311-003.
In the following procedures, it is assumed
6. Insert replacement contact tail first into
that the backplane wiring assembly has
insulator cavity from the engaging side of insulator until
been previously removed from the
contact bottoms in cavity.
multiplexer set chassis as prescribed in
Select a flat clean work surface, preferably
of metal.
When installing a contact, ensure that the
holding pressure exerted on the pliers is
2. Position backplane assembly with affected
sufficient to hold the contact securely. If
connector supported above work surface on square or
the jaws of the pliers are allowed to slip on
rectangular metal bars and with contact tails facing
the surface of the contact, removal of
upward as shown in figure 6-14. Use bars whose
contact plating may occur.
dimensions will allow a minimum clearance of 1 inch
between connector and work surface.
7. Using needle-nose pliers, grasp tail of
contact near its end and pull contact until it is properly
Position a small nail set or other tool with a
located within the insulator. The contact will be felt to
cupped point vertically over tail of connector pin being
snap into place when it is fully seated within the insulator
replaced (figure 6-14).
4. Tap nail set with a mediumweight hammer
until contact falls free or, in the case of a power or
ground contact, until contact is loosened from its
6-69. GENERAL. The multiplexer set chassis is
normally installed position.
equipped with items such as captive screws, feed-thru
terminals, and clinch nuts, which are installed in a
5. If the contact is retained by a ground
semipermanent manner. Although these items are not
bushing in the backplane or voltage bus bar, grasp the
intended to be replaced frequently, damage resulting
tail end of contact with needle-nose pliers and push
from abnormal transportation, operation, or maintenance
contact until its engaging end emerges from connector
practices may necessitate their replacement.
insulator. Then grasp engaging end of contact with the
Change 2 6-49/(6-50 blank)
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