![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
When more than one wire is attached to a
terminal post, it may be necessary to
Backplane wires are solid. To avoid wire
unwrap one or more wires before reaching
breakage, do not bend or flex the wires
the wire to be replaced. Tag or otherwise
label these wires to facilitate their
8. Using a soldering aid or other suitable tool,
locate and expose the wire to be repaired or replaced.
10. Cut a replacement wire approximately 4 to
See figure 6-5 for typical connector pin identification and
6 inches longer than the wire being replaced. Strip each
layout information.
end approximately 1 inch, using cut/strip accessory P/N
515654 attached to the wire wrapping tool (figure 6-7,
view A).
Before proceeding, determine that wire
wrapping tool P/N 14 XA2-B3C-(28) is fitted
When unwrapping backplane wires, ensure
with wrapping bit P/N 508748 and wrapping
that broken wire ends do not drop into
sleeve P/N 507100.
wiring backplane. Failure to remove all
loose conductive materials from the
11. Insert and anchor one end of replacement
backplane can result in serious equipment
wire as far as possible into small hole of wrapping bit
12. Position wrapping tool and slide wrapping
bit onto desired terminal post (figure 6-7, view B).
If there is sufficient unused space on the
terminal posts associated with the wire to
13. Momentarily trigger wrapping tool until tool
be replaced, it may not be necessary to
backforce ceases and tool runs free. Remove wrapping
unwrap the ends of the defective wire.
tool from terminal post.
When sufficient post space exists, carefully
cut each end of the wire being replaced as
shown in figure 6-6, view A. The new wire
Rewrapping of the stripped portion of a
is then installed on the previously unused
previously unwrapped wire should not be
post space as shown in figure 6-6, view B,
attempted. Always cut and restrip a wire
and as prescribed in steps 10 through 14.
end before wrapping is attempted.
9. Using unwrapping tool P/N 511203 (figure 6-7),
14 Repeat steps 11 through 13 for each wire
carefully unwrap each end of the wire to be replaced.
end to be wrapped.
Remove wire from backplane.
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