![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3011
Replacement of the power supply
requires free access to the top of the
The power supply assembly weighs
multiplexer set chassis. If the set is
approximately 25 pounds.
installed in an equipment rack, the
handles securely before lifting power
set must be loosened from the rack
supply from chassis.
and extended on its mounting slides
before power supply replacement is
7. Using handles provided, carefully lift power
Depending upon the
supply from chassis.
particular installation, the chassis
may also have to be rotated
8. Install nuts and washers re- moved in step 2.
downward to the 900 (horizontal)
position to enable power supply
9. Carefully install replace- ment power supply in
multiplexer set chassis, ensuring that previously
disconnected cables are not wedged under power
1. Loosen and remove power supply access cover
10. Engage and tighten eight power supply securing
2. Loosen and remove nuts and washers securing
the +5V and 5V COM cables to power supply terminal
studs W1-1 and W2-1 (figure 6-3).
11. Connect and lock connector J1.
3. Loosen and remove screws securing the -12,
COM, and +12 leads to TB1 terminals 1 through 3 (figure
Ensure that connections to TB1 are
4. Unlock connector mating with J1 (figure 6-3) by
firmly secured to prevent excessive
sliding locking strip until it is free of locking pins; then
voltage drops due to contact
disconnect connector.
5. Loosen eight captive fasteners securing power
Torque nuts on W1-1 and W1-2 to
supply to multiplexer set chassis.
proper value to prevent possible
intermittent operation of equipment.
6. Carefully move all disconnected cables away
from power supply to provide a free path for power
12. Connect and tighten the -12, COM, and +12
supply removal.
leads to TB1 terminals 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
13. Torque lower level nuts on W1-1 and W2-1
between 25 to 30 inch- pounds. Install +5V and 5V COM
cables to studs W1-1 and W2-1. Torque upper level
nuts between 25 to 30 inch-pounds.
14. Place lifting handles in storage (horizontal)
15. Install and secure power supply access cover.
16. If the chassis was previously extended and/or
rotated on its mounting
Change 1 6-22
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