![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
is also applied to the +5-volt regulator circuit on +5-volt
Each switch, in turn, generates equal amounts of energy
regulator card A2.
that is coupled to its associated rectifier circuit. The four
dc outputs from the rectifier circuits are connected in
5-633.The +5-volt power supply consists of amplifier
parallel and applied to the one +5-volt filter circuit. The
AR2-10, switch Q7, breakdown diode VR8, and amplifier
output from the filter circuit is the +5V Reg output that is
Q5, Q6. Amplifier AR2-10 and switch Q7 form a low
applied to power the logic cir- cuits in the multiplexer set.
input voltage protection circuit for the overall power
supply. When the incoming 115 vac decreases to 95 vac
or less, the inverting input to AR2-7 decreases and the
output from AR2-10 to Q7 goes more positive. Switch
5-631.The incoming 115-volt ac source power is applied
Q7 is driven into conduction and effectively shorts out the
to the +150-volt power supply and to stepdown
voltage across breakdown diode VR8. This condition
transformer T6 as shown on the overall power supply
biases Q5 and Q6 into cutoff. When Q5 and Q6 are
schematic. The +150-volt power supply consists of full-
cutoff, the absence of the +5V (c) output shuts down the
wave rectifier CR1 through CR4, filters L4 and L5, and
overall power supply. When the incoming ac voltage
capacitors C18 and C19. The unregulated +150-volt
increases to 100 vac, the output voltage level from AR2-
output from the power supply is applied to one side of
10 decreases, switch Q7 is biased off, and Q5, Q6 again
transformers T1 through T5 to provide the driving power
conduct to produce the +5V (c) output. When the +5V
for switches Q1 through Q10. In turn, the +150-volt
(c) output is generated, the overall power supply circuits
common (return) from the opposite end of T1 through T5
are energized and return to normal operation.
is applied to the switch circuits through +12-volt driver
card A3 and +5-volt driver card A4.
5-634.The -12-volt over/under voltage detector circuit
transformer T6 produces a 18.5 vac input to full-wave
consists of comparator AR3-10, CR4, and CR3. The
rectifier circuits CR1 through CR4 on mother board A1.
+12-volt over/under voltage detector circuit consists of
Diodes CR2 and CR4 and capacitor C2 produce the
comparator AR3-12, CR5, and CR6. Comparator ARl-12,
+12V (c) output and diodes CR1 and CR3, together with
CR1, and CR2 make up the +5-volt over/under voltage
capacitor C1 produce the -12V (c) output. These two dc
detector circuit. The outputs of the three comparators
voltages provide power to the clock generator and the
are connected through CR2, CR4,
and CR6 to
control circuits.
breakdown diode VR1 in the inverting input of
comparator AR1-10. When the -12V Reg output
5-632.As shown on the +12-volt regulator card
increases to -14.4 volts, the output of AR3-10 increases
schematic, the constant current generator circuit consists
to cause current to flow through VR1. This condition
of current amplifier Q3 and breakdown diodes VR5 and
places a high in- put to AR1-7 to produce a low output at
VR6. Potentiometer R18 is factory set to provide a fixed
AR1-10. The low output from ARl-10 shuts off switch
bias voltage to amplifier AR5-12. Amplifier AR5-12, in
Q4. This inhibits the generation of the A clock and B
turn, produces the constant +4.77V Ref output that is
clock signals to disable the overall power supply
applied to AR2-10 in the +5-volt power supply and to
regulated outputs.
AR6-10 in the +12-volt regulator circuit. The +4.77V Ref
Change 2 5-173
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