![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3011
At the time that signal SD3- is clocked into odd-bit shift
is achieved, the 12 bits sampled should compare.
register No. 1, the four bits of data in each of the three
When the comparator detects three or more errors
registers are shifted one bit. At this time, the half-rate
during words 12 through 23, the associated error
clock- signal and the odd-bit enable signal are applied to
counter generates an error reset signal that is applied
the A and B ad- dress inputs of the five data selectors.
through OR gate U60 to the parallel sync acquisition
The C1 and C2 inputs are enabled so that the parallel B1
circuits. This condition initiates another parallel sync
through B10 outputs contain a parallel readout of the odd
acquisition function and inhibits the start of the sync
data bit. In the next RIO time, the primary shift register
maintenance function. At the same time, the parallel
is enabled and processes the next consecutive sets of
sync enable signal applied to the AND gate is removed
data bits whose total is an even number of bits between
and the frame sync flip-flop cannot generate signal DFS.
16 and 32.
When two or less errors are counted during words 12
through 23, the error reset signal is not generated and
the input to the, AND gate remains enabled. When word
Serial Sync Acquisition and Sync
28 timing signal DW28 is applied to the AND gate, the
Maintenance Circuits Block Diagram Discussion
frame sync flip-flop is set, signal DFS is generated, and
the parallel sync acquisition function is inhibited. Timing
DSYNC- resets the three bit error counters to zero. At
signal DW2429 during words 24 through 29 prevents a
the same time, the parallel sync enable signal is applied
further count from the three bit error counters after word
to one input of the AND gate in the input circuit of the
23. In turn, timing signal DW29- resets the error counter
frame sync flip-flop. The enable signal remains until
outputs to zero.
signal DFS is generated as described in the following
paragraph. The data in bit 0 of words 12 through 23 in
data input SD3 from the parallel sync acquisition circuits
5-504. The presence of signal DFS indicates that the
are clocked through the data-in flip-flop to the three code
sync acquisition function is complete and the sync
comparators. Bit 0 is selected by a combination of clock
maintenance function is being performed. During sync
signal RIO and demultiplexer end-of-scan signal DEOS2
maintenance, each of the three code comparators is
that enable an AND gate to clock the data-in flip-flop.
active and continually performs a serial compare of the
The over- head data pulses (bit 0) are also applied as
incoming data in bit 0 of words 1 through 23 with the
overhead data signals DOD- to the ERD card.
equivalent bits in the appropriate DPSC, DNAC, and
DNSC inputs to each code comparator. At this time, the
5-503. When parallel sync acquisition is obtained,
three bit error counters are also enabled. During any
signal DSYNC resets the three bit error counters to zero
given minor frame period, the incoming data contain any
and only one of the bit error counters is enabled by signal
one of the three stuff command codes. Therefore, by
PSC enable, NAC en- able, or NSC enable. Starting
the-time word 24 occurs, two of the bit error counters
with bit 0 of word 12 of the incoming data, the selected
are saturated and indicate eight or more errors.
bit comparator compares bit 0 in data words 12 through
23 with the equivalent bits applied in signal DPSC,
DNAC, or DNSC. When proper frame synchronization
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