![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545- 3011
these two signals are coincident at the phase detector
5-401. APLL Circuit. The write and read address
inputs, and the inversion of the write address MSB yields
counters are clocked by independently generated timing
the desired 8-bit offset. When an individual gated clock
signals. The write address counter is clocked by gated
pulse is added or deleted, the resulting phase shift
clock signal DGCXX, and the read address counter is
between the gated clock and VCM output signals is
clocked by the divided output of a voltage-controlled
detected by the phase detector, which produces a series
multivibrator (VCM). The APLL circuit phase locks the
of control pulses. These control pulses are applied to an
output of the VCM with the incoming gated clock signal,
active filter circuit, causing a gradual dc control voltage
causing the VCM to generate a number of read clock
change to be applied to the voltage-controlled
pulses equal to the number of write clock pulses being
multivibrator (VCM) input. The width of dc control
applied to the data elastic storage register over a given
voltages applied to the phase detector is proportional to
period of time.
A smoothing function is also
the degree of phase differential that is detected. The
accomplished by the APLL circuit. Gated clock pulses
greater the phase differential, the wider the width of each
are added and deleted as a result of the overhead
control pulse from the phase detector. In turn, as the two
servicing function. The addition or deletion of a gated
signals being compared by the phase detector approach
clock pulse represents an instantaneous change in the
an in-phase relationship, the width of the control pulses
applied gated clock frequency. Since synchronization
decreases and the pulses are turned off when the two
circuits of user equipment cannot operate with such a
signals are phase locked. This changing control voltage
change applied to their inputs, instantaneous bit rate
causes the VCM output frequency to slew to a rate
deviation is not acceptable. The APLL circuit therefore
nominally equal (after division by a divide-by-2n counter)
detects the instantaneous gated clock addition or
to that of the gated clock signal. In practical operation, a
deletion, and gradually (smoothly) increases or
continuous in-phase relationship is not maintained, but
decreases the output rate of the VCM by one bit time
continuous control pulses are generated that force the
over an extended number of VCM clock times. The
VCM output to slew near the gated clock pulse input rate
gradual change in VCM output rate causes the gated
and effectively maintain a pulse for-pulse relationship
clock and VCM rates to become nominally equal, while
over any given period of time.
precluding unacceptable short-term rate variations in the
channel's output timing signal. Thus, in performing the
5-403. Figure 5-31 conceptually depicts key APLL
smoothing function, the APLL circuit maintains a phase
waveforms and serves to illustrate overall APLL
locking of the gated clock and VCM output signals, and
operation. In figure 5-31, part A, a gated clock is deleted
prevents an underflow or overflow of data in and out of
from the U-18 write input (negative stuffing), causing the
the data elastic storage register.
dc control voltage to appear at the output of phase
detector U20. When applied to active filter U25, the dc
5-402. As in the RCB card, an 8-bit offset is maintained
control voltages cause the active filter to produce a
between the write and read addresses being applied to
negative-going change in the control voltage applied to
the data elastic storage register. This is accomplished
the VCM.
by applying the MSB of the 4-bit read address and the
inverted MSB of the 4-bit write address to the two inputs
of the APLL phase detector. In the locked condition,
Change 1 5-105
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