![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
provide sharp cutoff and turn-on characteristics for the
5-386. Data Retiming Circuits.
push-pull emitter followers.
5-387. The multiplexed serial data (MSD) is clocked
5-384. The RC time constant of retriggerable one-shot
through flip-flop U12 by system clock signal R The data
multivibrator U10 in the loss-of-timing activity detector is
are routed through polarity switch S7 to the data output
long enough that the continuous timing pulses through
drivers circuit that generates the balanced or unbalanced
S5 can hold the stage in conduction. When the timing
serial data out signals SDATAO and SDATAO-. The
signals are interrupted, U10 completes its duty cycle and
operation of the data output drivers circuit (Q11 through
its output sets latch U13. Setting latch U13, in turn,
Q17) is functionally the same as that described for the
produces diagnostic loss-of-timing error signal MLOT
timing output drivers circuit. When switch S8 on the card
that is applied to the display card. Self-test signal ST2-
is set to the unbalanced position (U), output signal
is applied to set latch U13 when the SELF TEST switch
SDATAO is tied to ground and SDATAO is +6 vdc.
on the front panel is set to the on (up) position. Reset
When S8 is in the balanced condition (B), signals
signal ERST to the latch circuit is applied when the SELF
SDATAO and SDATAO are +3 vdc signals.
TEST switch is set to the off (down) position. Signal
ERST is also generated when the DISPLAY RESET
5-388. The operation of data error detectors Q18
switch on the front panel is pressed and then released.
through Q20 is functionally the same as that described
When error signal MLOT is generated, the LOSS OF
for the timing error detector circuit. A defective output
MUX TIMING indicator on the front panel lights and
data signal generates a diagnostic error signal from Q20
remains lighted until signal MLOT- is removed.
to the composite OR gate and latch circuits.
5-385. Transistors Q8 and Q9 in the timing error
5-389. Transition Encoder Timing Circuits. Timing
detector circuit are normally off and Q10 is conducting.
oscillator Y2 generates 1.8432-MHz (+0.01 percent)
When signal TIMOUT or the TIMOUT is missing, a
timing signals that are applied to eight-stage N binary
voltage unbalance occurs that forces either Q8 or Q9
counter Ull, U14. The N=6 (28.8 kHz) output from U14-
into conduction. When Q8 or Q9 conducts, Q10 is
13 is applied to divide-by-six counter U16, U18 to
forced into cutoff. When Q10 is cut off, a high-level
produce the 4800-Hz timing signals. These signals are
diagnostic error signal is applied from Q10 to gates U19
routed through three distribution buffer gates U21 to
and U20 in the composite OR gate and latch circuit.
provide the T4800A, T4800B, and T4800C timing
Self-test signal ST2is applied to Q10 when the SELF
outputs. The N=8 (7.2 kHz) output from U14-11 is
TEST switch on the front panel is set to the on (up)
applied to divide-by-two counter U16 to generate the
Signal ST2forces Q10 into cutoff and a
3600-Fz timing signals.
These signals are routed
simulated error signal is applied to the composite OR
through three distribution buffer gates U24 to provide the
gate and latch circuits to test the diagnostic circuit
T3600A, T3600B, and T3600C timing outputs. Timing
function. Transistor Q10 is forced into conduction when
signals T3600A and T4800A are applied to one-shot
the SELF TEST switch is set to the off (down) position.
multivibrators U10 and U15 in the 3600-Hz and 4800-Hz
activity detectors. When one of the timing signals is
interrupted, the associated multivibrator completes its
duty cycle and a diagnostic error signal is applied to
composite OR gate U17, causing signal MRT to be
generated as explained in the following discussion.
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