![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
5-320. The channel address applied to the B input of
5-323. The data multiplexer functional circuits interleave
the channel address comparator identifies the channel
up to 15 channel data inputs from the channel cards,
selected for overhead servicing. When the incoming
plus the overhead data input, into one serial digital data
channel address applied to the A input of the channel
stream that is routed to the reference timer card. The 4-
address comparator during word time 29 matches the
bit binary channel addresses (GCAD1 through GCAD8)
address at the B input, signal A=B is generated and
select the inputs applied to the output data multiplexer.
applied to the gated clock delete control circuit. The
The signals are routed through three delay registers to
gated clock delete control circuit, in turn, generates an
provide an accumulated time delay of three MRIO time
inhibit signal to the 1-of-16 decoder when A=B and
periods and compensate for the time delay in the logic
negative stuff enable signal MNSE are applied to it. The
implementation that is required to apply a gated clock to
inhibit signal applied to the l-of-16 decoder prevents the
a channel card, interrogate the channel for data, and
circuit from decoding and generating a gated clock signal
then transmit the data back to the output data
for the channel address being applied to it. Thus, one
multiplexer. Each 4-bit channel address selects one of
normal gated clock signal is deleted from the designated
the channel data inputs or the overhead data input that is
channel address during word 29 for a negative stuff
applied to the output data multiplexer. Channel data out
overhead function.
signals MDT001 through MDT015 are the maximum
number of inputs that can be routed from the channel
5-321. When positive stuff enable signal MPSE and
cards to the output data multiplexer. Only those signals
end-of-scan signal EOS2B are applied to the gated clock
representing the active channels are actually applied to
add control circuit during word 28, a B enable signal is
the output data multiplexer. For example, a system with
generated and applied to the address selector. The B
six active channels applies signals MDT001 through
enable signal to the address selector routes the channel
MDT006. Once each word time, an overhead bit is
address at the B input to the l-of-16 decoder. The 1of-16
routed from the overhead data multiplexer to the output
decoder, in turn, decodes and generates a gated clock
data multiplexer. During each word time, one data bit
signal for the selected channel address. Thus, one
representing each strapped port associated with the
additional gated clock signal is generated during bit 0 of
active channels is applied to the output data multiplexer.
word 29 in the performance of the positive stuff overhead
Under control of channel address signals GCAD1
function. The channel address routed through the
through GCAD8, the inputs to the output data multiplexer
address selector is also applied as 4-bit binary channel
are interleaved into a serial data stream that is applied to
address signals GCAD1 through GCAD8 to the data
a reclocking flip-flop circuit. The flip-flop circuit, in turn,
multiplexer function to select the channel data inputs to
produces complementary output serial data streams
the multiplexer for the active channel cards.
MSD and MSD that are clocked by multiplexer clock
MRIO. Output serial data stream MSD, which is the
multiplexer output signal, is routed to the reference timer
Data Multiplexer Function (Figure 5-24).
card, and MSD- is applied to the frame sync for loopback
test purposes.
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