![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
22 are required to obtain the reverse binary numbers for
5-284. Each active port has access to overhead service
ports 3, 19, 11, 7, and 15. For example, the binary count
one time in each major frame period during a selected
for 25 in reverse is port 19. Also, in the forward binary
minor frame. The port assignment for a given minor
code listing, binary numbers for 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27 and
frame is controlled by the minor frame equals port
29 are deleted, since their reverse binary numbers are
sequence comparator. The comparator generates an
greater than 22. For example, binary count 7 in reverse
A=B output signal when the read port address from the
is port 28. Therefore, to add and delete the necessary
read port address counter matches the minor frame
forward binary numbers, the circuit function described in
count (MMFCO through MMFC4). An A=B output signal
paragraph 5-293 is required.
is generated once each scan, but is generated through
AND gate U47B as signal MMF=PS during word 28. At
5-283. The following circuits perform the addition and
the time that MMF=PS is generated, the port receiving
deletion function necessary to develop an address for
the overhead service is the reverse binary equivalent of
each of the active ports in the system. The 5-bit read
the binary output from the read port address counter.
port address from the read port address counter is
Since the port selected is the reverse binary equivalent
applied to an N+1l adder that increases the binary count
of the counter output, each active channel receives the
by one. The weights of the 4-bit binary code output from
near-homogeneous overhead service at its associated
the adder are reversed so that the address applied to the
read ports-in-use comparator is the same as the read
port address being applied to the R.A.M. plus one. The
5-285. Diagnostic Function.
reversed binary address is compared against the ports-
in-use binary count that represents the maximum
5-286. The diagnostic circuits on the sequencer card
number of active ports in the system. When the
perform two functions. The main function is to provide
reversed read port address is a binary number that
an error indication when a hardware malfunction occurs.
exceeds the maximum number of active ports, an A is
Two diagnostic signals can be generated from the
greater than B output from the comparator enables the
diagnostic circuits: loss of end of scan signal MLEOS-,
read reset generator. The read reset generator, in turn,
which is generated when a loss of the end-of-scan signal
produces a preset signal that presets the read port
is detected; and sequencer diagnostic signal MSEQ-,
address counter to its present count plus two. Thus, the
which is generated when a hardware malfunction
counter skips the undesired read port address and
affecting the channel address sequence is detected.
proceeds to the next count, which is an active port.
The second function of the circuits is to initiate a R.A.M.
Thus, the read port counter produces an equal number
rewrite condition when a channel address check detects
of read port addresses that equals the number of active
an out-of-sequence condition.
ports. Table 5-4 shows the truncated listing for a 22
used ports system.
5-287. The end-of-scan activity detector generates an
error signal when signal MEOS2 from the end-of-scan
register is missing. The error signal is applied to OR
gate U47A and to the loss-of-scan diagnostic latch. The
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