![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
command (POS) applied to the decoder is decoded into
The data compare enable circuit, in turn, generates an
a positive stuff request that is routed to the output
enable signal to the data comparator when an address
selector. The output selector transmits a card diagnostic
compare is made and a gated clock signal MGCXX is
signal on the positive stuff request line (MPSTXX-)
The enable signal applied to the data
during word 24 as described in the diagnostic functional
comparator is clocked by system clock signal MRIOX.
discussion. After word 24 occurs, the output selector
produces positive stuff request signal MPSTXX- when a
5-226. The data comparator actually performs a
positive stuff (POS) output is applied to it from the
random compare of one data in bit against one data out
decoder logic.
bit. Both bits being compared are from the same
address and should be of the same polarity. When the
5-223. Diagnostic Function (Figure 5-19).
bits being compared are not of the same polarity and an
enable signal is applied to the data comparator, an error
5-224. Data transition detector No. 2, first half detector
signal is generated and applied to the card error
No. 2, 2-bit shift register No. 2, and associated logic
duplicate the 3-bit code generated by the transition
encoder functional circuits.
The operation of the
5-227. The enable activity detector is held in conduction
duplicate transition encoding diagnostic circuits is the
by the enable signals from the data compare enable
same as that described for the equivalent functional
circuit. When the enable signals are missing, the
circuits. When the card uses the transition encoding
detector completes its duty cycle and applies a low-level
circuits, the 3-bit code data from the diagnostic circuits
error signal to the card error detector. The timing activity
are applied through switch S1, connected in the TE
detector is held in conduction by the appropriate TE or
position, to the data buffer. When the card uses the
TR timing signals applied through TE/TR switch S3.
timing recovery circuits, conditioned data from data
When the timing signals are missing, the detector
receiver No.2 are applied through switch S1, connected
completes its duty cycle and applies a low-level error
in the TR position, to the data buffer. The data (data in)
signal to the card error detector.
applied to the data buffer are clocked by its associated
timing signals to the data comparator. The data (data
5-228. The data in comparator compares the
out) from the data output buffer are also applied to the
conditioned data from data receivers No. 1 and No. 2.
data comparator.
When the data do not match, a low-level error signal is
applied to the card error detector.
5-225. The address comparator continually compares
the write address stored in the write address latch with
5-229. The card error detector, in turn, generates a card
the read address from the read counter in the RCB
error signal when any one of the four circuit error
functional circuits. When a compare is made, the A=B
conditions is detected. The card error signal from the
output from the address comparator is applied to the
detector is applied to the output selector, which, in turn,
data compare enable circuit.
generates the card error condition to the display card
during word 24.
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