![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
signals down to produce the 30-Hz, 600-Hz, and 1200-
the first- half detector generates a high-level signal to
Hz timing signals applied to the 100, 200, and 400
AND gate U19A when a first- half transition occurs or a
positions of the TE range switch. The selected range,
low-level signal to AND gate U19A when a second-half
which is at least three times the bit rate of the data, is
transition occurs.
routed through the TE range switch and is applied to the
data sample flip-flop, the data transition detector, the 2-
5-211. The 2-bit shift register sequentially clocks out the
bit shift register, and through inverter U24, to the first-half
enable 1 and enable 2 timing signals that are
detector. The selected sampling data rate must be at
synchronized to the TE timing signals. The bit 2 enable
least three times the input data rate, since one bit of data
signal from the shift register enables AND gate U19A so
is coded into three bits.
that bit 2 is sequentially clocked out of U19A to OR gate
U25 by the next TE clock after bit 1 is clocked through
5-209. The incoming data signals (DIXX) are
OR gate U25. In turn, the bit 3 enable signal from the
conditioned in the data receiver and are then applied to
shift register enables AND gate U19B so that bit 3 data
the data sample flip-flop and the first- half detector. The
are sequentially clocked out of U19B to OR gate U25 by
data are clocked through the flip-flop by the selected TE
the next TE clock after bit 2 is clocked out. The 3-bit
timing signals applied through the TE range switch. The
code from OR gate U25 and the TE clock signals
reclocked data are applied to the data transition detector
through inverter U24A are applied to the RCB function.
and to the first-half detector. When a data transition is
detected, the data transition detector generates bit 1 to
5-212. Assuming that there are no further transitions of
signify the transition. The bit 1 pulse, synchronized with
the incoming data over a given period of time, the output
the TE timing signals, is applied through inverter U24
from OR gate U25 returns to a zero level after a 3-bit
and OR gate U25 to the RCB function. The bit 1 signal
code has been generated for the last transition. The
is also applied to the first-half detector and to the 2-bit
return-to-zero action is initiated when both inputs to
shift register.
The data transition detector also
exclusive OR gates U18-8 and U18-11 are either high or
determines if the transition is positive going or negative
low, depending on the type of transition decoded.
going., Bit 3 from the detector is a high-level signal when
the transition is positive going or is a low-level signal
5-213. Timing Recovery Function (Figure 5-17).
when the transition is negative going. The bit 3 signal is
applied to AND gate U19B.
5-214. The
synchronous timing pulses for the incoming data whose
5-210. The first-half detector determines when the data
bit rate is 75, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600
pulse transition occurs with respect to the TE timing
bps. The functional circuits maintain bit count integrity
signals. A transition of the data that occurs during the
(provide the proper number of timing pulses) in excess of
high-level portion of the timing signal is identified and
100 data bits when there are no pulse transitions as a
coded as a first half transition. Conversely, a second
result of a continuous stream of l's or O's. The bit count
half transition is defined as a transition that occurs during
the low-level portion of the TE timing signal. Therefore,
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