![]() T.O. 31W-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3011
signal, two clock times later, to the write address
count during each word until the end-of-scan signal in
counter that presets the counter to a count of 10. The
word 24 of minor frame count 31 occurs. At this time,
preset and reset signals are generated from the
the word counter preset control generates a preset signal
initialization logic during word 24. The offset in count
that presets the word counter binary output to zero.
(normally a count of 8) between the two counters
End-of-scan signal MEOS3NX, together with word 24
prevents them from generating identical read and write
MW24NX-, clocks a data bit into the 5-bit shift register
addresses to the elastic storage register at the same
so that an inhibit signal is clocked out from the register
time. The OOT signal is also applied to the stuff
during word 29. The inhibit signal during word 29 inhibits
comparator as described below.
the word counter and the gated clock control so that a
gated clock cannot be deleted during word 29. Word 29
5-179. A negative stuff (NEG) signal from the decoder
is used for the normal overhead service function. Each
logic is applied to the stuff comparator, and the signal is
word count from the word counter is applied as the A
also routed as signal MNSTXX to the OEG card. The
input to the 10-bit comparator. Before the circuits are
positive stuff (POS) signal from the decoder logic is also
activated, 10 fill-bit strapping switches (O through 9) are
applied to the stuff comparator and is processed to the
strapped to a predetermined count that is related to the
OEG card as described in the diagnostic function
number of gated clocks to be deleted during a major
frame. The 10-bit binary code from the strapping
switches is applied as the
B input to the 10-bit
5-180. The stuff comparator performs a comparison of
The 10-bit comparator continually
the three outputs from the decoder logic circuits in the
compares the 10-bit binary code (A) from the word
functional circuits with the three out puts from the
counter with the programmed 10-bit binary code applied
decoder logic circuits in the diagnostic circuits. The
from the fill-bit strapping switches. Each time that a
three outputs from the diagnostic circuits should be
binary code applied as the A input is greater than the
duplicates of the three out puts in the functional circuit.
programmed B input, the gated clock inhibit signal is
Therefore, when the outputs do not compare, the A is not
generated and applied to the gated clock control logic. In
equal to B signal is applied from the stuff comparator to
a straight binary code comparison, the gated clocks to be
OR gate U47. OR gate U47, in turn, generates a reset
deleted when A is greater than B would be grouped,
signal to the initialization logic that resets the read and
thus causing deletion of an undesirable series of
write address counters as previously described. The
consecutive gated clocks. To prevent this condition, the
stuff comparator also performs diagnostic functions as
outputs from the word counter are reversed so that the
described in the diagnostic circuits description.
MSB of the counter is applied to the LSB of the A input
to the 10-bit comparator. As a result, a homogeneous
5-181. The coarse rate conversion circuits (figure 5-13)
spread of the gated clock deletions is obtained by the
produce modified gated clocks to the read address
reversed binary count function.
counter when switch S3 is set to the URC position. In
normal operation, end-of-scan signal MEOS3NX
5-182. Detailed Diagnostic Block Diagram Discussion
increments the word counter to generate a 10-bit binary
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