![]() T.O. 31W-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3011
a TE/TR card that was configured for the TE function.
effectively causes the read address count from the read
The original timing associated with the data processed
address counter to track the write address count from
by an RCB card is also reconstructed in the SB card.
the write address counter on a bit-for-bit basis, while
maintaining a difference count of eight between the two
5-128. The incoming data (DTIX-) are clocked through
addresses. The APLL circuit also performs a smoothing
the data input buffer and are written into the data elastic
function to compensate for any abrupt changes in the
storage register. The data input buffer, write address
data bit rate caused by the overhead stuffing function.
counter, and data elastic storage register are clocked by
The output clock signals from the APLL circuit are
gated clock signals DGCO1 from the GC/DM card. The
identical to the read clock signals. The output clock
gated clock signals are applied directly to the buffer, the
signals clock the data bits through the data output buffer
counter, and the storage register when the SB/URD
to the data output drivers. The output clock signals also
switch is in the SB position. When the switch is in the
clock the timing output drivers to produce the
URD position, the gated clock signals are effectively
complementary demultiplexer timing out signals TOXX
applied through the coarse rate conversion (CRC)
and TOXX-. The data bits applied to the data output
circuits to the buffer, the counter, and the storage
drivers are conditioned and processed
register. The function performed by the CRC circuits is
complementary demultiplexer channel data output
the same as that performed by the CRC circuits in the
signals DOXX and DOXX-.
RCB card used in the multiplexer. The write address
counter is sequentially incremented by each gated clock
pulse applied to it. The rate at which the write address
counter is incremented is, in effect, the nominal bit rate
at which the data will be processed out of the channel
5-131. The NBSB card is identical to the SB card
card. The write addresses from the write address
described in paragraphs 5-126 through 5-129. The
counter enable the data bits to be written into the data
APLL circuit on the NBSB card is physically different, but
elastic storage register. The read addresses that clock
performs the same functions as those described for the
the data out of the data elastic storage register are
APLL circuit on the SB card. The APLL circuit on the
generated by the read address counter. The read
NBSB card is configured to provide a greater smoothing
address counter, in turn, is incremented by the read
action that occurs over a longer period of time as
clock pulses applied from the analog phase-locked loop
described in the detailed theory of operation for the
(APLL) circuit.
NBSB card. The NBSB card has a narrower range of
frequencies that it can process as compared to the SB
5-129. The APLL circuit generates the read clock
pulses that increment the read address counter. The
read address counter, in turn, produces the read
address signals that read the data bits out of the data
elastic storage register. Tie APLL circuit contains a
5-133. The TD card receives the high-speed serial data
phase-locked loop configuration that
in the form of synchronous data (DTIX-) from the FS
card. The TD card function is basically the complement
of the TE card function performed on the TE/TR card in
Functionally, the TD card
demultiplexes one channel of data out
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