![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
RD, and compare this value (KRp) with the channel's
etc. The largest number of fill bits
input data rate (Rc).
the multiplexer can process is 868. If
the computed quantity of fill bits
6. If Rc is equal to KRp (Rc = KRp), set S3 to the RCB
exceeds this value, a check for
position, which completes the RCB card setup process.
computational errors is suggested. A
If Rc is less than KRp (Rc < KRp), set S3 to the URC
correctly computed fill bit value
position and perform steps 7 through 9.
greater than 868 is indicative of
incorrect configuration data on the
In cases where Rc < KRp, coarse rate
8. Refer to table 3-3 and locate the fill bit quantity
conversion of Rc to KRp must be
computed in step
performed by the multiplexer. To
7. Enter the 10-digit binary number associated with this
enable this conversion, a fill bit value
quantity in the RATE CONVERSION DATA block on
must be computed and set into the
sheet 1 of the worksheets.
RCB by 10-position switch S2.
7. Determine the quantity of fill bits required, using the
In step 9, ensure that the 10-digit
number is inserted properly and the 0
Fill bits = 899K (1 - Rc )
and 9 positions are not inadvertently
Removal of all switch
jumpers prior to starting the number
entry process is suggested.
K = quantity of ports assigned to the channel (from
9. Set 10-digit switch S2 on the RCB card to
reflect the 10-digit binary number recorded on the
worksheet, This completes the RCB card setup process.
Rc= channel data rate (from worksheet)
10. Install the RCB card in its appropriate slot (1
Rp = port rate (from worksheet).
through 15) in the MULTIPLEXER row.
3-70. TE/TR CARD (P/N 61864060). For each channel
that uses a TE/TR card, set up the card as follows (refer
To ensure a proper computation of fill
to figure 3-13 for all switch locations):
bit quantity, the value of 1 - Rc/KRp
must be determined to seven decimal
1. Note the channel INTFC 75 or 6K block on the
places. Overall fill bit quantity, when
worksheet; set S4 to the indicated 75 or 6K position.
computed, should be rounded to the
nearest whole number; i.e., 316.7 is
2. Set S6 and S7 to the NORM position.
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