![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
maximum input rate may be 9600 bps (paragraph 3-23).
on these procedures, the quantity of fill bits required is:
Since the 9600-bps input rate applied to channels 1 and
Fill bits = (899) (K) (1 - c)
3 exceeds the maximum TE input rate and KRp is not 3
x Rc, the TR processing mode is selected. Therefore, the
letters TR (timing recovery) are entered in the CARD
= (899) (1) (1 - 0.9583333)
TYPE TE/TR block for these two channels. Channels 4
and 5 process Type I data inputs, and therefore an X is
= 37.46
entered in the CARD TYPE RCB block for each channel
= 37
an X is entered in either the 75 or 6K (ohms) block, as
appropriate, to match the channel source impedance for
Since this number is < 868, the conversion may be
the given installation under consideration. For example,
performed. As shown in table 3-3, the 10-digit binary
in figure 3-5, the INTFC block for channel 2 is not
number that must be used to cause the injection of 37 fill
marked since the voice input impedance of 600 ohms
bits is 0101010000 (LSB left) This number is then
(balanced) is fixed by channel card design. In the
entered in the RATE CONVERSION DATA block of the
example shown, the source impedance for all digital
worksheet (figure 3-5).
channel inputs is assumed to be 6K ohms. The
worksheet is completed upon entry of the multiplexer
output rate (Ro) value of 48000 in the OUTPUT RATE
(Ro) BPS block, and entry of the number of the ports (K)
assigned to each channel into the PORTS K blocks.
3-37. Sheet 2 of the configuration worksheets (figure 3-
6) is prepared to enable setup of the cards in the
3-35. It should be noted that the input rate (Rc) of 2300
multiplexer common electronics section. The individual
bps for channel 5 is less than that channel's KRp of 2400
preparing the worksheet uses portions of the information
bps. In such a situation, coarse rate conversion to KRp
in figure 3-4, combined with a knowledge of the electrical
must be performed (paragraph 3-19).
To enable
interface cabling and termination arrangements that exist
conversion, a 10-digit binary number is computed and
within the facility in which the multiplexer set is installed.
entered on the worksheet. Normally, the computation is
performed as part of the actual multiplexer setup
3-38. In figure 3-4, the multiplexer output rate (Ro) is
process. However, as a convenience to the person
shown as 48.0 kbps; the value 48000 is therefore
setting up the multiplexer, it may be performed at the
entered in the OUTPUT RATE (Ro) BPS block of the
time the worksheet is prepared.
worksheet. Reference timing is supplied in the form of
procedures are prescribed in paragraph 3-69, steps 7
an external 3.072-MHz station clock. Therefore, an X is
and 8.The maximum number of fill bits that may be
entered in the SOURCE EXT block, and the value
inserted is 868 bits. A computed fill bit quantity greater
3072000 is entered in the EXT FREQ HZ block. All
than 868 is indicative of an attempted coarse rate
multiplexer set interface circuits are designed to provide
conversion that is beyond the capabilities of the
an input/output impedance of 6K ohms or 75 ohms. The
impedance that matches the station clock source should
be selected. For this example, it is assumed that 75
ohms is the proper match; therefore, an X is entered in
the INPUT INTFC 75 block.
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