T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
Type II data processed by the transition
generated by the multiplexer set. Therefore, if the
encoding/decoding technique may occur at rates within
nominal input data rate is at the upper limit of the rate
six ranges as follows:
range selected, and positive variations in the input rate
are expected, it is best to select the next higher rate
0 - 75 bps
Type II channel data processed by the
multiplexer using the transition encoding/decoding
0 - 100 bps
technique are supplied to the corresponding
demultiplexer channel output without associated timing.
0 - 150 bps
0 - 200 bps
3-26. The multiplexer set will accept and process voice
0 - 300 bps
data at frequencies within the range of 300 to 3400 Hz.
Channel input/output impedance is 600 ohms(balanced).
0 - 400 bps
Full modulation occurs at a multiplexer input level of -16
dBm. The corresponding demultiplexer output level is +7
Upon entering the multiplexer set, data are processed by
dBm. Processing of voice channel input data requires
using a 3-bit transition encoding/decoding process. This
use of a KRp of 19.2 kbps or greater. A KRp of 38.4
process entails use of a KRp that is three times the
kbps is preferred for voice processing.
upper limit of the data rate range selected. For example,
a 75-bps channel rate input being processed with the 0to
75-bps data rate range would require a KRp of 3 x 75 or
3-28. The channel input/output data forms discussed in
225 bps. It is not necessary that a given input data rate
be processed with only the lowest rate range in which it
of a variety of optional multiplexer and demultiplexer
falls. A lower input rate may be processed with any rate
channel cards. In appropriate combinations, the cards
range whose upper limit is higher than the applied input
are plugged into multiplexer and demultiplexer card slots
rate. Thus, for example, a channel input data rate of 100
1 through 15. Table 3-1 lists the optional channel cards
bps can be processed with the 0 to 150-bps rate range.
used within the multiplexer set, and identifies the channel
It is also important to note that any input rate variation
data form with which each card is associated.
that causes the input rate to exceed the upper limit of the
selected rate range may cause data errors to be
Change 2 3-7
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