T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
5-311. After 250 nsec, SS2 resets and the
previously, G17 is activated. The output of
0 output goes high, triggering and setting
G17 is coupled through DR2 generating ZW2-P
F F 3 . The 0 output of FF3 activates gate
(zone 2).
G20 which activates G21. Inverter I14 in-
verts the output of G20 and its output is
5-315. If a read operation of a 16-bit word
delayed by DLl for 50 nsec. Inverter I15
is requested by a master function, the
inverts the output of G21 and its output is
master function presents an address on the
delayed by DL2 for 50 nsec. After the de-
INFIBUS address lines and RITE-N (wave-
lay of DLl, G21 is disabled and after the
form A, figure 31) will remain high. 15 in-
delay of DL2, G22 is activated. The low
verts the high RITE-N input and presents a
output of G21 is inverted by I15 and the high
low D3 input to read/write register U5O.
output of I15 is again delayed by DL2 for
The output of 15 is also inverted by 16 which
50 nsec. Therefore, G22 is activated for
presents a high Dl input to read/write
50 nsec generating DONE-N (waveform G,
register U50.
figure 30).
5 - 3 1 6 . T h e r-aster function now generates
5 - 3 1 2 . The DONE-N output indicates to
its strobe, STRB-N (waveform B, figure 31).
the master function a completed data trans-
I3 inverts STRB-N which triggers SSl and
f e r . The Core Memory Controller is then
also enables G21. After 40 nsec, SSl re-
reset to the initial condition once again as
sets which triggers command register U35,
explained previously (STRB-N is removed).
loading it with the high Dl input. The Q1
The Core Memory normally cycles in 750
output goes low which activates G23. The
n s e c , writing the word in the addressed
output of G23 enables G22. The Ql output
location, and then generates MEM AVAIL-P
goes high which enables G5 and activates G3.
o n c e a g a i n , enabling the next Core Memory
The output of C3 is inverted by I7 which
cycle to occur.
a c t i v a t e s G 4 . The output of G4 triggers
read/write register U50 and loads it with
5 - 3 1 3 . If the data to be transferred is an
the high Dl input (RITE-N high). At the
8-bit byte, the master function would also
same time, command register U35 Q3 output
generate BYTE-N, and the address bit ABOO-P,
is low which is inverted by I2. The output
being high or low, will determine which zone
of I2 enables gate G12, and the Q3 output is
the Core Memory will write the byte into.
high which is inverted by I4. The output of
Inverter I1 inverts BYTE-N presenting a high
I4 activates gate G18. The output of G18
D3 input to command register U35. Also, if
enables gate G19. When read/write register
the byte is to be written in zone 1, ABOO-P
U50 is triggered, the Ql output goes high
is high presenting a high D4 input to com-
which enables FFl to be set and the Q1 out-
mand register U35. If the byte is to be
put goes low which triggers single-shot SS3.
written into zone 2, ABOO-P is low, presen-
SS3 remains set for 250 nsec, and the output
ting a low D4 input to command register U35.
is coupled through driver DR4 which gen-
When command register U35 is loaded (trig-
erates RD INIT-P (waveform C, figure 31).
gered by SS1), the Q3 output is high which
RD INIT-P commands the Core Memory to
is inverted by I2 generating BYTE MODE-K.
initiate a read cycle.
Also Q3 is low which is inverted by I4 gen-
erating BYTE MODE-P.
5 - 3 1 7 . The Core Memory performs a read
cycle within 300 nsec, presenting data to
5 - 3 1 4 . If ABOO-P is high, the Q4 output of
the Core Memory Controller data transfer
command register U35 will be high which
circuit and generating DATA AVAIL-N (wave-
a c t i v a t e s G 1 3 . The output of G13 enables
form D, figure 31) to indicate data is avail-
a b l e . DATA AVAIL-n' is inverted by inverter
G 1 4 . When SS2 is triggered, as explained
I8 which sets FFl. The 1 output of FFl
previously, G14 is activated. The output of
activates G5 which activates G12 and G19
G14 is coupled through DRl generating ZWl-P
generating DAEN-P (waveform E, figure 31)
( z o n e 1 ) . If ABOO-P is low, the Q4 output of
and DBEN-P (waveform F, figure 31) re-
the command register is high which activates
spectively, which are routed to the Core
G16. When SS2 is triggered, as explained
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