T.O. 3185-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
activated which generates WE47-N. WE47-N
5-217. Detail Analysis (see figure 21).
clocks register files U4, U14, U24, and
Register files U5, U15, U25 and U35 are
U34 to write the data into register R5.
each one-quarter of registers R0 through R3.
Register files U4, U14, U24 and U34 are
5 - 2 2 0 . To read data out of the register files,
each one-quarter of registers R4 through R7
M20S-P and M21S-P from the CPU microcode
and register files U3, U13, U23 and U33
register are routed to the RA and RB inputs of
are each one-quarter of registers R8 through
all twelve register files. A binary code from
zero to three of M20S-P and M21S-P selects
one of four groups of four flip-flops in each
5-2 18. The CPU ALU circuit generates
of the twelve register files. Gates G4, G5,
LBOO-P through LBl5-P which are routed to
and G6 decode M22R-N, M22S-P, M23R-N.
the data inputs (D1 through D4) of the reg-
and M23S-P and are activated by CKRD-P
ister files. LB00-P through LBO3-P are
which generates RE03-N, RE47-N, or
routed to the data inputs of register files
RE8B-N. The output of G4, G5, or G6 se-
U33, U34 and U35 which make up the first
lects and clocks one of three groups of four
4-bit positions of registers RO through RB.
LB04-P through LB07-P are routed to the
register files (U3, U13, U23, U33; U4, U14,
U24, U34; or U5, U15, U25, U35) and the
data inputs (Dl through D4) of register files
U23, U24, and U25 which make up the next
data is read from the selected register. For
example, to read from general purpose reg-
4-bit positions of registers R0 through RB.
ister five (R5), the CPU microcode register
LB08-P through LB11-P are routed to the data
circuit generates M20S-P, M22S-P and
inputs (Dl through D4) of register files U13,
M22R-N. With M20S-P high and M2lS-P
U14, and U15 which make up the next 4-bit
low, all twelve register files select the
positions of registers RO through RB. LB12-P
second group of flip-flops (Rl, R5, and R9).
through LBl5-P are routed to the data inputs
M22R-N disables G4 and G6 and M22S-P
(Dl through D4) of register files U3, U4,
enables G5. When the CPU central timing
and US which make up the most significant
control circuit generates CKRD-P, G5 is
4-bit positions of registers RO through RB.
activated which generates RE47-N. RE47-N
5 - 2 1 9 . M21T-P and M20T-P from the CPU
causes the output data (Ql through Q4) of
microcode register circuit are routed to the
register files U34, U24, U14, and U4 to
WA and WB inputs of all twelve register
be generated.
f i l e s . A binary code from zero to three, of
M20T-P and M2 IT-P, selects one-quarter
5 - 2 2 1 . Inverters 11 through 116 and gates
of each of the twelve register files. Gates
G7 through G22 form latches which latch on
Gl, G2, and G3 decode M22F-N, M22T-P,
low inputs. The Q outputs of the register
M23F-N, and M23T-P and are activated by
files are normally high and the inverters
CKFS-P which generates WE03-N, WE47-N,
activate the gates which holds X00S-P
or WE8B-N. The output of G1, G2, or G3
through Xl5S-P high. When a selected
selects and clocks one of the three groups of
registers Ql output goes low, it is inverted
by 11 which disables G7. When the register
the four register files (U3, U13, U23, U33;
U4, U14, U24, U34; or U5, U15, U25, U35)
is no longer selected, the Ql output returns
and the data, LB00-P through LBl5-P, is
to high but G7 holds the output, X00S-P, low
written into the selected register. For ex-
v i a Il. When XSET-N is generated by the
ample, to write into the general purpose
CPU central timing control circuit all of the
register five (R5), the CPU microcode reg-
latches are cleared. For example, XSET-N
ister circuit generates M20T-P, M22T-P,
activates G7 and the high output of G7 is
and M22F-N. With M20T-P high and M2lT-P
inverted by 11 which holds G7 activated,
low, all twelve register files select the
second group of flip-flops (Rl, RS, and R9).
5 - 2 2 2 . When a register is selected to read
M22F-N disables Gl and G3 and M22T-P
out data, X00S-P through Xl5S-P are gen-
enables G2. When the CPU central timing
erated to the CPU ALU circuit. Xl5S-P is
control circuit generates CKFS-P, G2 is
also routed to the CPU carry and overflow
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