T.O. 31S5-4-308-1
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
With equipment unpacked according to
instructions in paragraph 2-9, inspect
2-16. Since the Processor and Core Mem-
equipment as described in applicable
ory are installed in an existing communica-
group Operation and Maintenance Manual.
tions building, construction requirements
are not included in this manual.
Processor and Core Memory are pre-in-
stalled in the Switch and ACOC Groups
without their cards and modules. For
installation procedures of the cards and
2-18. For installation manpower and man-
modules refer to applicable group Opera-
hour requirements of the Processor and
tion and Maintenance Manual. In the
Core Memory, refer to applicable group
event the Processor and Core Memory
Operation and Maintenance Manual.
have to be removed and installed for in-
stallation of the Switch and ACOC Groups
units for rack mounting.
2-20. GENERAL., The work-phases de-
scribed in the following paragraphs are
to be performed in the given order. Before
starting any procedure, carefully read
through all instructions; then follow the
connections are described in applicable
steps in the order listed.
group Circuit Diagrams Manual.
There are no special tools or test equip-
connections are described in applicable
ment required to install the Processor and
group Circuit Diagrams Manual.
Core Memory.
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