T.O. 31S5-4-308-1
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
j. Respond to Operator and Switch or
ACOC Groups requests for service.
k. Perform other control functions as re-
(see figure 1-1) is a modified general pur-
pose Lockheed Electronics Type SUE*
mini-processor; the Core Memory (sec
Core Memory Functions.
Core Memory. Both have been modified
a . Store traffic data collection instruc-
for installation in the ACOC Group and
tions for transmission and transmits
Switch Group and to provide the following
them when requested.
specific functions required in the Traffic
Data Collection System (TDCS).
b. Store special request traffic data
collection (short) reports until the printer
Processor Functions.
is available.
a . Receive and edit traffic data collec-
tion instructions for transmission between
C. Transmit stored special request
traffic data collection (short) reports to
Switch and ACOC groups.
printer when requested.
b. Receive and edit traffic and call data
between Switch and ACOC Groups.
the Processor and Core Memory to each
C. Send traffic and call data to the
other and to the Switch and ACOC Groups
appropriate output.
is shown in figure 1-2.
d. Perform other processing as required
to satisfy requirements between Switch
cessor (figure 1-3) and Core Memory (fig-
and ACOC Groups.
ure 1-4) as shown in figure 1-1 are housed
in rectangular cases that are 19 inch
e . Select and run programs to perform
standard rack mounted into the Switch
the processing automatically at the request
and ACOC Groups. Vertical cooling is
of the Operator or Executive.
provided to the Processor and Core
Memory by rack fans. The Core
f . Provide for modifying, adding, or
Memory is also h o r i z o n t a l l y cooled by
deleting programs.
three self contained exhaust fans to meet
its cooling requirements. The Processor
g . Update the System clock or those
and Core Memory are interconnected by
portions thereof that are provided by soft-
a single cable.
h. Provide Operator interrupt and abort
cards and the ACOC Processor contains 14
capabilities and automatic interrupt capa-
PC cards which collectively per-form the
bilities for processing programs.
processing functions. Tire cards are in-
serted into an INPIBUS, a time shared
Service all input and output requests.
data highway used as a communication
*System Use- Engineered
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