T.O. 31W2-4-206-2
TM 11-5805-622-14/1
alarm lamps may be deactivated by switched remov-
ing voltage from the alarm lamp circuit and connect-
4-19. Refer to Chapter 7, Circuit Diagrams, of this
ing alarm cut-off indicator lamp DS9.
manual to supplement the following.
(Figure FO-7)
4-27. The VF Interface Matching Unit permits ad-
4-21. The Pilot Amplifier TF1772 receives the syn-
justment of the VF Signal level in increments of 1,
chronization pilot signal (96 kHz) from the interface
2, 4, 8 and 16 dB in either the transmit or receive
circuitry in the Supergroup Miscellaneous Patch Bay.
direction. In the transmit direction the VF signal at
The signal is applied at pin 1 of the pilot amplifier
terminals 5 and 6 is attenuated by resistive networks
circuit card amplified and transmitted from pin 5.
consisting of resistors R1 through R20 to the level
The pilot signal is raised to a level of -34 dB across
desired for input to the Channel Modem and appears
at terminals 1 and 2. In the transmit direction the
75 ohms.
VF signal from the Channel Modem appears at termi-
nals 13 and 14 of the interface unit. The signal is
ure FO-14)
amplified prior to adjustment to the required level by
the resistive network comprised of resistors R21
4-23. The Supergroup Amplifier TF1971.7 receives
through R40. Transistor Q1 serves to stabilize the
the 312 to 552 kHz Message Baseband Signal from the
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