T. O. 31W2-4-206-2
TM 11-5805-622-14/1
This manual contains Information for the operation and maintenance of Orderwire-Delay
Equalizer Bay Type TF1781 manufactured by Felten and Guilleaume Fermeldeanlagen, Nurnberg,
Federal Republic of Germany. Orderwire-Delay Equalizer Bay TF1781 is used for two purposes.
The Orderwire portion permits the use of a voice communications channel outside the 60 channel
message baseband for use between terminals A and B located at Camp McCauley, Taiwan, and
Hamby Field, Okinawa. The Delay Equalizer in both terminals compensates in both transmit
directions for the total delay distortion introduced by the Cable Subsystems.
Abbreviations, symbols, designations and definitions used in this manual are in accordance
with the following specifications:
MIL-STD-12, Abbreviations for Use on Drawings and Technical Type Publications.
MIL-T-9941, Technical Manuals: Ground C-E Equipment, Facility, Site and System.
MIL-M-38784, Technical Manuals: General Requirement fur Preparation of
ASA Y32.2-1967, Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronic Diagrams.
T. O. 31-1-141, Basic Electronic Technology and Testing Procedure.
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