H The lowest maintenance level capable of com-
sheet, field service drawing, that is identi-
plete repair of the support item is general
fied by manufacturers' part number.
XD - Support items can be requisitioned with jus-
D The lowest maintenance level capable of com-
plete repair of the support item is the depot
Cannibalization or salvage may be
L Repair restricted to designated Specialized
used as a source of supply for any
Repair Activity.
items source coded above except
Z Non-repairable. No repair is authorized.
those coded XA and aircraft sup-
B No repair is authorized. The item may be re-
port items as restricted by AR 700-42.
conditioned by adjusting, lubricating, etc.,
(2) Maintenance code. Maintenance codes are
at the user level. No parts or special tools
assigned to indicate the levels of maintenance au-
are procured for the maintenance of this
thorized to USE and REPAIR support items. The
maintenance males are entered in the third and
(3) Recoverability code. Recoverability codes
fourth positions of the Uniform SMR Code Format
are assigned to support items to indicate the dis-
as follows--
position action on unserviceable items. The recover-
(a) Use (third position). The maintenance code
ability code is entered in the fifth position of the un-
entered in the third position indicates the lowest
iform SMR Code Format as follows--
maintenance level authorized to remove, replace,
and use the support item. The maintenance code
entered in the third position indicates one of the
Nonrepairable item. When unserviceable, con-
following levels of maintenance.
demn and dispose at the level indicated in
the first digit of the maintenance code.
O Repairable item. When uneconomically re-
O Support item is removed, replaced, used at the
pairable, condemn and dispose at organiza-
organizational level of maintenance.
tional level.
F Repairable item. When uneconomically re-
A code "C" may be used in this posi-
pairable, condemn and dispose at the direct
tion to denote crew or operator
support level.
maintenance performed within or-
H Repairable item. When uneconomically re-
ganizational maintenance.
F Support item is removed, replaced, used at the
pairable, condemn and dispose at the gen-
eral support level.
direct support maintenance level.
H Support item is removed, replaced, used at
D Repairable item When beyond lower level re-
the general support maintenance.
pair capability, return to depot. Condemna-
D Support items that are removed, replaced,
tion and disposal not authorized below depot
used at depot only.
L Repairable item. Repair, condemnation, and
(b) Repair (fourth position). The maintenance
disposal not authorized below depot/Special-
code entered in the fourth position indicates wheth-
ized Repair Activity level.
er the item is to be repaired and identifies the lowest
A Item requires special handling or condemna-
maintenance level with the capability to perform
tion procedures because of specific reasons
complete repair (i.e., all authorized maintenance
(i.e., precious metal content, high dollar
functions). When a maintenance code is not used a
value, critical material or hazardous ma-
dash (-) sign is entered. For multi-service equip-
ment/systems or when a code is entered, this posi-
tion will contain one of the following maintenance
b. Federal Stock Number. Indicates the Federal
codes as assigned by the service(s) that require the
stock number assigned to the item and will be used
for requisitioning purposes.
c. Description. Indicates the Federal item name
O The lowest maintenance level capable of com-
and a minimum description required to identify the
plete repair of the support item is the or-
item. The last line indicates the reference number
ganizational level.
followed by the applicable Federal Supply Code for
F The lowest maintenance level capable of com-
Manufacturer (FSCM) in parentheses. The FSCM
plete repair of the support item is direct
is used as an element in item identification to desig-
nate manufacturer or distributor or Government
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