Figure 8. Components of ES-20(1) packed in carrying case No. 1
7. Description of Processing Set
8. Additional Equipment Required
The processing set consists of an enlarger (a below) and
A storage battery (6- to 8-volt, 100-ampere hour
the minor components (b below) required for processing
capacity), not supplied with the equipment, is required
when the PH-129-A or the PH639 (*)/TF is used as
a. Enlarger (figs. 1, 2, and 3). The enlarger is a
described in paragraph 14b (2).
projection-type printer consisting of an upright support
Note. The PH-129-A and the PH-639(*)/TF are to be
assembly (or girder assembly), a lamp house, two
operated from a storage battery power source (par. 14b(2))
condenser lens sets, two projection lenses, an easel and
only under emergency conditions.
associated items.
b. Minor Components (figs. 4 and 5). The minor
9. Differences in Models
components of the processing set consist of tanks (cut-
film and roll-film), timers (continuous and interval timers),
The following chart lists the differences in the enlargers.
a safelight, a thermometer, and associated components
AGO 5894A
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