TB 9-289
i. Replace mounts five (5) years or older from date of manufacture and those identified as defective.
(See paragraph 4c (6))
(1) As an option to 100% replacement of mounts five (5) years or older, individual repair facilities may justify
static load deflection testing of mounts by presenting evidence of cost benefits. Justification must include all costs
associated with both 100% disposal and 100% testing. This data should include the percentages of pass/fail the facility
has experienced in previous testing.
Authorization for testing may be obtained by sending cost data to:
U.S. Army Tank-automotive & Armaments Command
Warren, MI 48397-5000
(2) Tested mounts must meet the deflection test requirements shown on applicable drawings in an accordance
with static load deflection requirements of CIDA-A-52486. Mounts that fail to meet these requirements will be replaced.
j. Replace unserviceable desiccant port cover assemblies. (See paragraph 4c (5)).
k. Replace unserviceable covers and recessed receptacles including cracked and punctured windows (See
paragraph 4c (8)).
Wood skids shall not be treated with preservative compound. The treatment note
on skid drawing shall be disregarded in its entirety.
I. Replace unserviceable skids. Fabricate skid from hardwood conforming to Group IV of MILSTD-731 and the
applicable drawing. (See paragraph 4c (7)).
m. Route all reconditioned containers to leak testing.
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