![]() TB 9-2510-242-40
Clean per applicable method I thru VI per SPEC TT-C490. Treat with wash primer per SPEC DOD-P-
15328, 0.3 - 0.6 Mils thick. Apply epoxy primer per spec MIL-P-53022, MIL-P-53030 or MIL-P-53084, 1.0 -
1.5 Mils dry film thickness. Application per MIL-C-53072(ME).
Aluminum and aluminum base alloy surfaces:
Clean and treat per spec MIL-C-5541. Apply Epoxy primer per spec MIL-P-53022, MIL-P-53030, or MIL-P-
53084, 1.0 - 1.5 Mils dry film thickness. Application per MIL-C-53072(ME).
Galvanized or terne coated steel, cadmium, zinc and chrome plated surfaces or copper, lead and tin alloy
Clean per applicable method I thru IV per spec TT-C-490. Treat with phosphate or chromate per spec
ASTM D2092 or apply wash primer per spec DOD-P-15328, ASTM D2092 or apply wash primer per spec
DOD-P-15328, 0.3 - 0.6 Mils thick. Apply epoxy primer per spec MIL-P-53022, MIL-P-53030 or MIL-.P-
53084, 1.0 - 1.5 Mils dry film thickness. Application per MIL-C-53072(ME).
Wood Surfaces:
Clean as applicable, surfaces where pressure treatment was affected, treat per TT- W-572, (no primer
required). Application per MIL-C-53072(ME).
Plastic surfaces (polycarbonate, FRP, polyester):
Clean as Applicable. Treat per DOD-P-15328 (optional). Prime per spec MIL-P- 53022, MIL-P-53030 or
MIL-P-53084, 1.0 - 1.5 mils dry film thickness. Application per MIL-C-53072(ME).
12355846-100 Camouflage basecoat, green 383, color 34094, or tan 686, color 33446, per spec MIL-C-46168 or MIL-C-
53039, 1.8 Mils minimum dry film thickness (1.8 - 2.2 Mils for wood). Application per MIL-STD-193.
12344846-101 Camouflage pattern coat as specified, brown 383, color 30051 and/or black, color 37030, per spec MIL-
C-46168 or MIL-C-53039, 1.0 Mils dry film t thickness. Application per MIL-STD-193.
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