TB 9-2300-378-14
5-3. Air Cleaner Filter Clog Indicator.
The air cleaner filter clog indicator provides a visual means of determining when the
air cleaner filter element must be serviced without actually opening the air cleaner
box and inspecting the filter element. Two models of indicators are presently being
used (fig. 5-3).
To determine if air filter element needs servicing.
Check indication on air restriction indicator.
Early Model - If red disk is visible, notify organizational maintenance
Late Model - If reading is more than 25, notify organizational maintenance
5-4. Engine Air Intake (fig. 5-4).
During normal and water fording operations, the engine air intakes (view A) must be
positioned to draw air from the crew compartment. During extreme cold or an NBC
attack alert, the engine air intakes must be reversed to draw air from the engine
compartment (para. 5-4b).
Reversal Procedure.
(1) Remove four screws and washers and cover (view A). A gasket is cemented to
(2) Remove six nuts and washers (view B).
(3) Remove eight nuts and washers.
(4) Remove intake from bulkhead.
(5) Install six nuts and washers on studs (view C).
(6) Install eight nuts and washers on studs (view D).
(7) Position cover on intake and install four screws and washers.
(8) Install eight nuts and washers on studs. (View D).
(9) Position cover on intake and install four screws and washers.
5-5. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS).
The following PMCS table lists checks and services that are to be performed on a daily basis to
find, correct, or report problems that are caused by normal wear and tear.
Figure 5-3. Air cleaner filter clog indicator.
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