TB 9-2300-378-14
(1) Tools Required.
(a) Drill Motor 1/2"
(b) Drill Bit 3/8"
(c) Drill Bit 5/8"
(2) Supplies Required.
8 required
( a ) Bolt
8 required
(b) Nut
8 required
( c ) Washer
32 required
MS21206-10 or
( d ) Washer
MS20002-10 (substitute)
( e ) Locking
Grade L,
Type 1
(f) Primer
Grade F
( 3 ) Procedure.
Disconnect battery ground cables (TM-20).
R e m o v e and discard four outboard 3/8 inch armor air cleaner housing
mounting bolts, nuts and shims (view A).
Loosen remaining two 3/8 inch armor air cleaner mounting bolts.
Loosen fender extension located outboard of air cleaner housing.
Make sure air cleaner four mounting holes are centered over four outrigger
holes. Carefully shift air cleaner as required.
Tighten two 3/8 inch mounting bolts to secure air cleaner housing in place
during drilling operation.
D r i l l out four outboard holes in the two outriggers using the following
W i t h a 1/2 inch drill motor and a 3/8 inch drill bit, drill out four
outrigger threaded 3/8 inch holes.
Using 3/8 inch hole as a pilot and a 5/8 inch drill bit, drill a 5/8 inch hole
through outboard holes.
Remove burrs as each hole is drilled.
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