TB 9-2300-378-14
1-1. General
The material in these instructions will help you
in what should be continuous effort to keep your
vehicle running properly. Scheduled inspections
and repairs can prevent deadlining your vehicle.
Spend a few minutes to read and familiarize
yourself with the contents of these instructions
before performing the maintenance checks and
1-2. Scope
These instructions are to be used for the maintenance of the M48A5, M60A1, M60A1 RISE,
M60A3, M728, M48A5 AVLB, M60A1 AVLB air induction system. These instructions are the
result of:
Technical manual evaluations
Engineering problem analysis
New design efforts due to field problem reports, tests, and recommendations
P S Magazine articles and other publication sources reflecting user ideas and
Much of this information will be included in future changes and revisions to technical manuals.
These instructions provide procedures that are to be performed at the operator and
o r g a n i z a t i o n a l , direct support and general support m a i n t e n a n c e levels. C h a p t e r s 2 and 3
p r o v i d e crew and Organizational Maintenance inspection and maintenance procedures for
vehicles equipped with the conventional air induction system. Chapter 4 provides instructions
t o apply reliability improvements to vehicles equipped with the conventional air induction
maintenance procedures for vehicles equipped with the improved clean air induction system.
or improved air induction system.
This technical bulletin must be used in conjunction with the
a p p l i c a b l e vehicle operator's manual (TM-10) and hull
organizational maintenance manual (TM-20-1).
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