TB 9-2300-378-14
5-1. General.
This chapter contains a description, and inspection and maintenance instructions that the crew
is authorized to perform to keep the improved clean, air induction system operational. A large
percentage of engines have to be replaced because dust, dirt, and foreign material is drawn into
the engine due to a defective air induction system. The crew is responsible for the condition of
C r e w maintenance, for the improved air induction system, is limited to
t h e vehicle.
p e r f o r m a n c e of the daily preventive maintenance, checks, and services PMCS. Report all
u n c o r r e c t e d defects to organizational maintenance. The crew may perform other maintenance
procedures, but only under the direction of organizational maintenance.
5-2. Improved Clean Air System.
T h e improved clean air system operates essentially the same way as
c o n v e n t i o n a l system, but incorporates improved air induction components, a dust
e j e c t o r system that takes the place of the air cleaner centrifugal fans, and a dust
Improved air induction components include
I m p r o v e d Air Induction Components.
r e d u c e d restriction inlet and outlet elbows and hoses, improved clamps, improved
gaskets and studs, spring loaded filter element, and late model filter clog indicator.
system (VEDES) (fig. 5-1) replaces the air cleaner centrifugal fans. The air cleaner
h o u s i n g is modified to plug the fan exhaust elbows and to accommodate a tube
manifold with its associated hoses, clamps, and mounting bracket installed in place of
t h e fans. A system of dust scavenge tubes, check valves, and exhaust pipes with
integral dust ejectors is mounted along each cylinder bank above and parallel to the
V E D E S scavenges dust from the precleaned
e n g i n e and transmission oil coolers.
section of the air cleaners through suction action of the exhaust ejectors.
Engine exhaust blowing by ejector nozzles at the exhaust outlet causes a pressure drop
which creates the air flow for the scavenging action in the precleaners. Dust-laden
scavenge air flows from the precleaned chamber through the ejector collector ring and
m i x e s with the exhaust gasses at the nozzle outlet, after which the exhaust/dust
mixture is ejected through the exhaust pipe.
p r e s s u r e to circulate air through filter strips in the dust detectors mounted in the
turbo supercharger compressor housing. When the filter strip(s) become clogged, the
resultant change in pressure actuates a pressure switch which illuminates the power
plant warning light and the dust detector warning light in the driver's compartment. A
d u s t detector warning light ON indicates a restricted falter strip in either or both
engine bank dust detectors.
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