TB 9-2300-247-40
radius part of the rail. Weld the remainder of the
joint with 1/8-inch diameter electrodes.
Use only effective chip guarding
Flat, Vertical and Overhead Welding. Use only
equipment, protective equipment and
stringer beads in the flange portion of the rail for
protective clothing (goggles, shields,
flat and overhead welding.
In welding the
gloves aprons, etc) when doing any
groove, the doubler and/or liner is welded into
drilling, grinding, or welding. Failure
the joint. The recommended welding currents
to follow this warning could result in
for flat welding are as follows:
injury to personnel.
(1) Use only stringer beads in the flange portion of
Grinding. Remove by grinding all excess metal
the rail.
and/or weld globules in either the overhead or
vertical position before proceeding with further
(2) For other positions of welding, such as vertical or
welding. All weld reinforcements shall be ground
overhead, adjust welding currents to suit the
conditions. Use lowest currents possible to obtain
sound weld deposits.
Slag Removal. Remove slag by chipping and
wire brushing after each pass. Where C-clamps
Crown Welds. Completed welds shall have a
are used, they will not be removed until welds
crown deposit rising above the surface of the rail
have been inspected and found acceptable.
to a maximum of 3/16-inch and not less than
1/8-inch. There shall be no undercutting along
m. Heat Control. Heat control shall be maintained
the edge of weld deposits.
throughout the welding process. If temperatures
reach 750 F within 1-inch in any direction from
the weld, halt the welding process, cover the
area affected with nylon felt cloth, and protect
the area from cold drafts for controlled cooling of
the metal.
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